Project setup - Group 4 - 2018/2019, Semester B, Quartile 3
- Page navigation
- Root
- Notes from meeting
- Initial ideas
- Project setup
- General problem description
- State of the Art
- Specific problem description
- Present situation
- Drone analysis
- Solution analysis
- Airport analysis
- Decision Model investigation
- Decision Model implementation
- Decision Model validation
- Categorising solutions
- Web Application
- Future
- Conclusion
- Discussion
Project setup
In this section, we put the project setup under a microscope. We take a look at the objectives of the project; the approach is taken, the planning during the project, milestones of the project, and deliverables that will exist at the end of the project.
The objective of our project is designing a decision model for airports to decide what anti-drone solution is the best. This model will be delivered by means of a report that can indicate which solutions are better for which types of airports. This report will also give extensive argumentation for why certain solutions outperform others in certain scenarios.
Objectives of the project as a whole include:
- Gaining insight into accidents and incidents involving various forms of drones.
- Identify and specify the currently existing countermeasures and counter mechanisms against drones and UAVs in general.
- Identify and specify the USE stakeholders of the problem space and their interests regarding possible solutions.
- Propose multiple possible solutions to the problem.
- Identify the advantages and the disadvantages centred around user interests for each provided solution.
- Validate and verify that our proposed solutions solve the discussed problems with respect to the USE stakeholders and their interests.
- Design a basic decision model around providing solutions for airports against UAVs.
We now take a look at how we will approach this project. We will start our approach by doing an extensive study into the current state of the problem. We will do this by studying the literature of different forms. We will look at papers where this problem has been discussed before, but also at what the current solutions are at the moment and what their flaws are. Furthermore, we also look at studies and research of institutes that have made investigations into this phenomenon.
After we as a group have a good grasp on the problem, we analyse the problem ourselves from a USE (User, Society, Enterprise) point of view. These three components will be central in our study, and the development of our design as the users of the technology always need to be the main focus. Following this study into the USE aspects surrounding our problem space, we expect different categories of subproblems to arise. For example, when considering two distinct incidents involving UAVs, they might be categorised by the type of failure that occurred, be it a human failure or technical failure. We expect that many of these distinctions can be made, and as different categories of subproblem might involve different USE aspects, they might require different solutions. Furthermore, we take a look at different types of airports and see what each of these types need for an anti-drone solution.
After this, we will provide possible solutions for a number of distinct problem categories. For each discussed problem category, we will then present multiple implementations of these requirements and functionalities, which will be our first drafts. These draft solutions will be further discussed and analysed based on their advantages and disadvantages. We will also provide research into the feasibility of these proposed solutions.
As the discussed subproblems heavily integrate with various aspects of society, we are also interested in the ethical aspects of the evolution of the proposed technologies of counter-drones. We will investigate the ethical and regulatory consequences of these developments. We might also provide insight into which areas of the problem space have not been sufficiently discussed by previous research and falls outside the scope of ours. For future reference, we also look ahead and shortly discuss improvements or otherwise changes to our proposed solutions, that are not currently possible due to technical or other limitations. Finally, we will wrap up with completing the wiki and our documentation of the project.
Once we have a good comparison fo the various existing solutions, we will implement them in a concise decision model, aimed at informing Airports of the status quo regarding drone defences, and provide a decision model to allow them to choose the most suitable option for them. The model will be presented through the means of a Web Application.
We now take a look at the planning of the project. The planning is presented in the form of an excel sheet that clearly states the tasks that need to be carried out, by whom these tasks will be carried out, an estimation of the time that it takes to carry this task out, if the task has been completed or not, and when it needs to be completed. Furthermore, an orange cell indicates that this will be done during a group meeting, and a blue cell indicates that this will be done outside of a meeting. Note that this planning also considers the division of work in no small degree.
We now consider the milestones within the project. Here, we consider Table 1 that displays the accomplishments on a specific date. Furthermore, if there were any learning moments during each of these accomplishments, they will be written down in the `Aditional notes' column and taken into consideration for the next accomplishment. Note that this table will be regularly updated throughout the course.
Date | Accomplishment |
06/02/2019 | Finalise the decision of the subject |
17/02/2019 | Finalise research into State of The Art |
19/02/2019 | Formulate analysis of problem space |
6/03/2019 | Formulate possible solutions to identified problems |
13/03/2019 | Formulate advantages and disadvantages of each solution |
27/03/2019 | Formulate possible further improvements |
29/03/2019 | Formulate conclusions regarding proposed solutions |
26/03/2019 | Create a presentation format of our research |
01/04/2019 | Present complete research |
05/04/2019 | Finalise the Wiki and documentation |
We now cover the deliverables of this project. The deliverables focus on the problem introduced in the problem description. These deliverables for this project will be as follows: In this section, we refer to the present situation, which consider the present situation regarding the specific problem description. We discuss the current rules and regulations, current solutions, and the limitations of the current rules, regulations, and limitations.
- A presentation regarding the problem and possible solutions
This presentation will be held in the final week of the course. In this presentation, we start by introducing a problem through a summary of the problem description. Then, the finding regarding the problem will be presented. This is followed by multiple solutions to the problem with their advantages and disadvantages. Then, we zoom into the `best' solution and provide a design regarding this solution. If possible, a demonstration will also be given.
- A literature study in the form of coherent Wiki pages in a hierarchical manner
This Wiki page contains an in-depth study regarding the problem introduced in the problem description. An extensive literature study will be presented, which offers multiple solutions with both their advantages and disadvantages. Furthermore, it will be argued that what solution would be the `best' through means of a decision model. This is followed by areas that are still undiscovered and improvements that can be made to our design.
- A Web App that implements a decision model
This Web app should implement a form of a decision model. The result of this decision model should be a possible solution against unwanted UAVs near airports based on input obtained from an individual. This input should consider the needs, beliefs, and wants of an airport when it comes to defending themselves against illegal UAV activity.
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