Web Application - Group 4 - 2018/2019, Semester B, Quartile 3

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Web Application

Now that we have a decision model in place, it is useful to be able to display/represent it in some way. By doing so, we will be able to validate, test and actually make use of the decision model. This also gives a clear overview of how the decision model is supposed to work. The first step is to find a suitable method to represent the decision model.

How to implement?

There are various methods of implementing a decision model. The decision model could be implemented using an existing survey/form website, i.e. using google forms, SurveyMonkey or another similar website. This method would probably be easiest and the least time consuming, however, those websites are mostly not very flexible and do not adhere to our needs. Such form website mostly offers users to fill in answers to questions, but do not follow up with a calculation of a score and be able to give advice for solutions. Furthermore, some of these websites even restrict 'free' users to a limited number of questions to be asked.

Another option would be to create a Web application, that we can modify to our exact needs. However, this would be very time consuming to build completely from scratch. Therefore, we have done some research to already existing open source web applications that are similar to our needs. This would allow us to still create a web application suiting our needs, but would be a lot less time-consuming. We found the project electioncalculator.org, which does exactly what we want, but gives advice for the electives instead of anti-UAV solutions for airports. This website presents users with propositions, to which the user can answer "yes", "no" or "I dont know". Then the user can select subjects that he/she finds extra important, and the website will present political parties that most closely resemble the same ideas of that of the user. Hence by changing the website with our own propositions, layout and solutions, we will be able to represent our previously discussed decision model on a web application.

What it looks like

Missing image
Figure 1: Homepage of the web app.
Figure 1: Questions of the web app.
File:Extra important.png
Figure 1: Extra-important subjects that the user can select of the web app.
Missing image
Figure 1: Results of the web app.
