In order to localize the robot, at this moment the localisation plugin of the Environment Descriptor is used, see their tutorials for more details tutorial. Ensure you did tutorials 1-5 of ED to understand the basics.
In order to localize yourself, use the following configuration-file on the robot:
world: - type: robotics_testlabs pose: { x: 0, y: 0, z: 0 } plugins: - name: gui_server lib: - name: localization lib: parameters: robot_name: robot # the robot will also be in the world model. This is the # id the robot entity will get in ED initial_pose_topic: /initialpose num_particles: 500 # maximum number of particles to use initial_pose: # where does the robot start (in map frame)? x: 0 y: 0 rz: 0 # rotation laser_model: topic: /pico/laser # Laser topic num_beams: 100 # Max number of beams used per particle (evenly spread) z_hit: 0.95 # \ sigma_hit: 0.2 # | z_short: 0.1 # |-- These are all parameters of the probabilistic laser z_max: 0.05 # | model. See 'Probabilistic Robotics' for more info. z_rand: 0.05 # | lambda_short: 0.1 # / range_max: 10 min_particle_distance: 0.01 # Particles that are too close together will min_particle_rotation_distance: 0.02 # be combined (resulting in less particles) odom_model: map_frame: map odom_frame: /pico/odom base_link_frame: /pico/base_link alpha1: 0.2 # rot -> trans + strafe # \ alpha2: 0.2 # trans -> rot # |-- These are all parameters of the alpha3: 0.2 # trans -> trans # | probabilistic odom model. See alpha4: 0.2 # rot -> rot # | 'Probabilistic Robotics' for more info alpha5: 0.2 # trans -> strafe # /
If necessary, refer to the proper name of you map created using g-mapping. Now, start the communication with the sensors, run ED using this config-file, ensure you can visualize the topics on your laptop and load rviz using the configuration file placed on github.
So, on the robot execute the following:
pstart rosrun ed ed <name of config file> rosrun ed_gui_server ed_rviz_publisher
On your own laptop:
pico-core rosrun rviz rviz <path-to-config-file>/ED-config-localization.rviz
Now click on the "2D pose estimate"-button in rviz (at the top of the rviz-window) and click on the position in your map where pico approximately is located. This publishes BROKEN!! due to network-problems? the position in the map on the /initialpose-topic.
Start driving around (for example using the "teleop pico"-command) and you will see that the position and orientation of the robot is tracked in rviz. If the given position was not accurate enough or the localization turns out to be bad, give again the initial position of the robot using the "2D pose estimate"-button.