Opzet onderzoek

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Terug: Week 3

Questionnaire before the shower simulation:

Wij, Meike Berkhoff, Iris Huijben, Floor Fasen en Suzanne Vugs, zijn vier studenten aan de universiteit in Eindhoven. We doen een onderzoek voor een vak dat we dit kwartiel volgen.

Wij stellen het zeer op prijs dat u deel wilt nemen aan dit onderzoek. Als eerste zult u een enquête invullen. Het invullen van deze vragenlijst zal ongeveer 5 minuten duren. Deze vragenlijst is volledig anoniem en uw antwoorden zullen vertrouwelijk behandeld worden. De antwoorden op deze vragenlijst zullen alleen worden gebruikt voor dit onderzoek en zullen daarna worden vernietigd.

Na deze enquête volgt een korte simulatie. Dit zal tevens hooguit 5 minuten duren. De simulatie en de vragen zullen in het Engels zijn. Wij willen u nogmaals bedanken voor uw medewerking en wij hopen u op deze manier voldoende te hebben geïnformeerd.

1. Hoe oud bent u?

…… jaar

2. Wat is uw geslacht?

o Man

o Vrouw

3. Wat is uw hoogst genoten opleiding?

o Basisschool






o Universitair

4. Burgerlijke staat

o Gehuwd

o Ongehuwd

o Samenwonend

Voor de volgende vragen geeft u aan in hoeverre u het met de stelling eens bent. U kunt dit aangeven door te klikken in het gewenste vakje. Wanneer u uw antwoord wil wijzigen dan kunt u dit doen door een ander vakje aan te klikken. Zodra u de vraag heeft beantwoord, krijgt u de volgende vraag te zien. Het is dan niet meer mogelijk om het vorige antwoord aan te passen.

1: helemaal mee oneens

2: mee oneens

3: neutraal

4: mee eens

5: helemaal mee eens

Enquete vragen 5 tot en met 25.png

Questionnaire 'shower'


We have created a device to keep track of your behavior when you shower. In this way you get more inside in your water consumption. Please click on the button below to meet ‘Will’. He will give you feedback on your showering habits.

Will: Hello I am Will! Thank you for joining. Let’s see how your typical shower goes.

Do you take a shower every day? (yes/no)

• Yes: (Sad) It is such a shame that you choose to behave in this way.

Question 1a: After hearing the comment of Will I feel convinced to change my behavior. (The participant answers the question with the aid of a Likert Scale, varying from totally disagree to totally agree)

• No: (Happy) Yes, that is the way to go!

Question 1b: After hearing the comment of Will I feel motivated to continue my behavior. (The participant answers the question with the aid of a Likert Scale, varying from totally disagree to totally agree)

On the average, do you shower longer than ten minutes? (yes/no)

• Yes: (Sad) You let me down. Please change your behavior.

Question 2a: After hearing the comment of Will I feel convinced to change my behavior. (The participant answers the question with the aid of a Likert Scale, varying from totally disagree to totally agree)

• No: (Happy) That is what I would like to hear!

Question 2b: After hearing the comment of Will I feel motivated to continue my behavior.(The participant answers the question with the aid of a Likert Scale, varying from totally disagree to totally agree)

Do you turn off the shower when you are using shampoo or soap? (yes/no)

• No: (Sad) I am disappointed that you waste so much water.

Question 3a: After hearing the comment of Will I feel convinced to change my behavior. (The participant answers the question with the aid of a Likert Scale, varying from totally disagree to totally agree)

• Yes: (Happy) That is fantastic. Keep up the good work!

Question 3b: After hearing the comment of Will I feel motivated to continue my behavior. (The participant answers the question with the aid of a Likert Scale, varying from totally disagree to totally agree)

Explanation at the end of the questionnaire:

Thank you for using our device! We will give you a short recap of what Will wanted to teach you: It is not necessary for your hygiene to take a shower every day. It is actually bad for the condition of your skin as it dehydrates it. Besides that it is bad for the environment and for your wallet. Most of the time taking a ten minute shower is more than enough. There are exceptions of course for example when you need to shave yourself under the shower or when you are using a conditioner. Nevertheless we tend to stay under the shower longer than necessary. Mostly when it is cold outside and a warm shower feels too nice or when a shower is a nice way to wake up in the morning. Finally, keeping your shower running while you are using shampoo or soap is a massive waste of water. Most people even turn the showerhead sideways so it does not wash away the soap too soon. We cannot emphasize enough that it is bad for the environment and as well for your wallet.

This is the end of the questionnaire. Thank you very much for your participation!

Overview of the simulation:
