Note: in the first 5 weeks we did not make a logbook, however we have made minutes of every meeting. On the basis of these minutes we filled in the first 5 weeks of the logbook. However, sometimes tasks are done by others, because the person who got the task was not able to complete it. The result of this is that this logbook is not always correct, however in general it is.
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Week 1
Division A (after the Monday meeting)
Current similar systems research, feasibility test, presentation draft, search for video’s or other visuals for the presentation.
Division B (after the Thursday meeting)
Deepen the previous research
Vashist Ramchurn and Sil Maas*
Prepare the first presentation (before Friday 12 February)
Everyone except Vashist and Sil
Check the presentation (before Sunday 14 February afternoon)
Sil was hit by a car in the weekend of 12 February, so he was not able to prepare and do the presentation, Noud took this task over.*
Week 2
Division A
Search for pharmacy protocols and start preparing the second presentation
Gerben Hup
Make the agenda for the meeting on Thursday
Chiel van Vliet
Call a pharmacy for an appointment for an interview
Division B
Everyone except Jim and Chiel
Check the presentation (before Sunday 20 February evening)
Jim Beckers
Prepare the second presentation (before Sunday 20 February afternoon), Update the wiki with all the information that we got so far
Noud Frints
Work out the pharmacy protocols
Gerben Hup
Make a list of questions for the interview with the pharmacist
Chiel van Vliet
Make the minutes of the meeting, prepare the second presentation (before Sunday 20 February afternoon), Make a planning
Vashist Ramchurn
Start thinking about the screens of the User-interface
Sil’s doctor said that he shouldn’t do any study-related work, so we excluded him from the task division.*
Week 3
Division A
Think a little about Plan B
Sil Maas
Prepare the interview, interview the pharmacist, analyze the interview
Jim Beckers
Make a detailed flowchart of the system, investigate current systems more
Noud Frints
Search for a (better) proof of the problem/concept, investigate current systems more
Gerben Hup
Make the agenda for the meeting on Thursday, Search for a (better) proof of the problem/concept
Chiel van Vliet
Make the minutes of the meeting, prepare the interview, interview the pharmacist, analyze the interview
Vashist Ramchurn
Prepare a questionnaire to send to people, think about the specific questions that the system needs to ask to the users
Division B
Send/share the questionnaire to/with your contacts, think about the layout of the wikipage, work out and put information on the wiki page (devided)
Sil Maas
Work out the main points of the interview and put in on the wiki
Jim Beckers
Finetune the flowchart
Gerben Hup
Translate the questionnaire to dutch
Chiel van Vliet
Make the minutes of the meeting
Week 4
Division A
update the wiki if not done yet
Sil Maas
Make a detailed description of the system as a complete new system, process the results of the questionnaire
Jim Beckers
Make a detailed description of the system as an expansion of the current system
Noud Frints
Make a detailed description of the system as an expansion of the current system
Gerben Hup
Make the agenda for the meeting on Thursday, make a detailed description of the system as a complete new system, process the results of the questionnaire
Chiel van Vliet
Make the minutes of the meeting, make a detailed description of the system as a complete new system, process the results of the questionnaire
Vashist Ramchurn
Make a detailed description of the system as an expansion of the current system
Division B
Update the wiki
Sil Maas
Write text about the questionnaire and put it on the wiki
Jim Beckers
Write detailed text about the idea/concept and put it on the wiki
Noud Frints
Check if the information on the wiki is correct with the ‘new’/adjusted concept
Gerben Hup
Set up the base of the implementation and the programming environment
Chiel van Vliet
Make the minutes of the meeting, check if the information on the wiki is correct with the ‘new’/adjusted concept
Vashist Ramchurn
Make a list of questions that the system needs to ask the users
Week 5
Division A
Make a list of medicines for the simulation database, prepare the interim peer review
Sil Maas
search in the literature about people trusting machines
Jim Beckers
search in the literature about people trusting machines
Noud Frints
search in the literature about people trusting machines
Gerben Hup
Make the agenda for the meeting on Thursday, work on the implementation of the system
Chiel van Vliet
Make the minutes of the meeting, think what aspects the Pharmacist interface should have
Vashist Ramchurn
rewrite the questions that the system needs to ask the users
Division B
Work on the screens of the interfaces
Sil Maas
Update the wiki about trust (research and implementation)
Jim Beckers
Review the wiki page, update the wiki about trust (research and implementation)
Noud Frints
Update the wiki (unemployment)
Gerben Hup
Work on the implementation of the system
Chiel van Vliet
Make the minutes of the meeting, start working on a design + visual of the machine
Vashist Ramchurn
Make an excel file of the medicine database, update the wiki (the questions)
Week 6
Division A
Sil Maas
Make good non-suggestive questions, extend the USE part
Jim Beckers
Improve the ‘trust’ part, extend the USE part, draw the screens of the pharmacist-interface
Noud Frints
Improve unemployment part, make good non-suggestive questions
Gerben Hup
Make the agenda for the meeting on Thursday, Start working on the interface on the website
Chiel van Vliet
Make the minutes of the meeting, work-out the decided screens on the pc, work on the design of the machine
Vashist Ramchurn
Make good non-suggestive questions, fill in the simulation database
Division B
Think of 3 names for the system, update the wiki
Sil Maas
Work on the implementation of the screens
Jim Beckers
Start working on the implementation of the pharmacist interface
Noud Frints
Improve unemployment part, make good non-suggestive questions
Gerben Hup
Work on the implementation of the database (php)
Chiel van Vliet
Make the minutes of the meeting, work on the design of the machine, work on the implementation of the screens (website)
Vashist Ramchurn
take a look into the security of the system
Week 7
Division A
Update the wiki
Sil Maas
Extend the medicine list, finish the English user-interface
Jim Beckers
Make the minutes of the meeting, finish the pharmacist interface
Noud Frints
Make an analysis of the system, clearly state the needs of the system
Gerben Hup
Make the agenda for the meeting on Thursday, Design a user-test, finish the English user-interface
Chiel van Vliet
Finish the English user-interface, finish the design of the system
Vashist Ramchurn
Make images of the medicines for the simulation database
Division B
Prepare the final peer review
Sil Maas
Finetune the last things of the user-interface
Jim Beckers
Finetune and finish the pharmacist-interface
Noud Frints
Review the wiki
Gerben Hup
Make the databases and implement them, make a rubric for the peer review
Chiel van Vliet
Make the minutes of the meeting, translate the pages for the Dutch user-interface, make the logbook, update the wiki with something about the design
Vashist Ramchurn
Put all the data in one excel file, review the wiki
Week 8+9
Review wiki page, do the user-test with 3-5 persons
Sil Maas
Write medicine descriptions, translate the medicine database, change picture of the questionnaire results on the wiki, prepare presentation
Jim Beckers
Prepare possible questions at the presentation, finish the pharmacist interface, add something about the PI to the wiki, implement “MEDispenser” name in wiki
Noud Frints
Review wiki page (responsible)
Gerben Hup
Implement last pages, add logging system to user interface, calculate dispenser height and upload it to the wiki, Send the log in information of MySQL (website) to Jim, prepare presentation, send the peer review grades to the lectures, complete the user-tests
Chiel van Vliet
Make the minutes of the meeting, create icons for the payment pages, check why ‘Designuserinterface.png’ did not work correctly on the wiki, lighten up the interface design pdf (optional), update the logbook + planning
Vashist Ramchurn
Create explanation icons, make some changes to the wiki page, prepare possible questions at the presentation
Week 10
Update/complete the wiki (proofread, improve and expand)
Sil Maas
Prepare the final presentation
Jim Beckers
Anticipate on the presentation questions (think about which questions could be asked), finish the PI implementation
Noud Frints
Prepare the final presentation
Gerben Hup
finish the UI implementation, upload pharmacy interface to the website
Chiel van Vliet
Write the conclusion, change the payment icons, update the dispenser design pdf
Vashist Ramchurn
Prepare the final presentation, create the additional explanation icons, write about the height of the dispenser, anticipate on the presentation questions (think about which questions could be asked)
Week 11
Update the wiki (improve and expand)
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