PRE2023 3 Group 9

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Digital Abacus

Member Student Number Major
Ciska 1735004 BCS
Lucas 1437372 BCS
Mex 1808753 BCS
Sandor 1843990 BCS
Tjeh 1778749 BCS
Kevin 1864548 BCS


Many children struggle with learning how to count. Addition and multiplication are difficult subject to master, so we want to develop a digital device to help teachers and students: a digital abacus. First we will look into visual learning and how to teach math using visualisation, which we can then apply when designing the device. Then we will start designing either a physical prototype or a simulation of our counting device.

1. Objectives (Lucas)

2. Users (Sandor)

3. State-of-the-Art (Tjeh)

Different ways of using an abacus

4. Approach (Kevin)

5. Planning (Ciska)

6. Milestones (Mex)

7. Deliverables (Ciska)

8. Division (Ciska)


Logbook (140 / 8 = 17.5 hours per week)

Week Name Hours Spent Total Week Total Overall
1 Ciska Meeting1 (2h), Brainstorm (1h), Meeting2 (4h) 7 7
Lucas Meeting (2h),
Mex Meeting (2h),
Sandor Meeting (2h), Brainstorm (1h)
Tjeh Meeting (2h), Brainstorm (1.5h)
Kevin Meeting (2h), Brainstorm (1h)


  • Jordan, N. C., & Levine, S. C. (2009). Socioeconomic variation, number competence, and mathematics learning difficulties in young children. Developmental Disabilities Research Reviews, 15(1), 60–68.