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[[File:FSM_Main.jpg|thumbnail|500px| Main finite state machine]]
[[File:FSM_Main.jpg|500px| Main finite state machine]]

Revision as of 12:14, 20 June 2019

Group members

Nicole Huizing | 0859610
Janick Janssen | 0756364
Merijn Veerbeek | 0865670

Design Documents

The Initial Design document can be found here: File:Initial Design Group9.pdf

The powerpoint presentation about the design is in this file: File:Presentation initial design.pdf

The powerpoint presentation about the final design can be found here: File:Presentation final design group9.pdf


The composition of group 9 has changed twice. At first, George Maleas decided to quit the course at the 13th of May, two days before the escape room competition. At second, Merijn Floren also quit the course on the 3rd of June. The motive for both students was that they lacked the c++ programming skills to meaningfully contribute to the project. Participating in the course would take a too large investment of their time. The code for the final challenge was written by Janick Janssen, Merijn Veerbeek and Nicole Huizing.


Link to code for aStar path planning: https://gitlab.tue.nl/EMC2019/group9/snippets/132

Initial design

<<Mostly based on hospital challenge. Some remarks for escape room challenge can be made.>>


Janick What to do? Visit cabinets in given order Plan paths Operate autonomously Signal cabinet visit audio Identify (moving) objects Avoid deadlocks or infinite executions Save cabinet snapshot Localize in map Standstill time < 30 seconds Detect features Update map Software easy set-up Obey speed limit Time < 10 minutes Prevent collision Proper termination


Janick And how? Further clarification on how the requirements will be met


Janick, probably handy to have a cleaned up code first


Janick Hardware as initially given (LRF+odometry, actuators, computer, pico dimensions a x b)



Escape room challenge

For this assignment, we decided to work out two different strategies. The first one is the wall following strategy and the second one is the direct exit detection strategy. The idea was that the detection, drive control and world model code could be shared between both strategies and that only the planning module would be different. Pico should first try to use the direct exit detection strategy. If he fails to find the exit, Pico should change to wall following strategy. Since the direct exit detection code was not yet robust enough during the escape room competition, the code that was used in the challenge uses only the wall following module.

The table below presents an overview of the most important functionalities that Pico should have to compete in the Escape room competition.

Wall following Direct exit detection Both
Rotate until aligned to right wall Detect convex corners when seeing both walls Walk through the hallway
Walk while staying aligned to right wall Detect convex corner when seeing only one wall Cope with wall misalignment
Detect exit from laser data on right side Rotate and move to exit entrance point Stop after reaching exit
Rotate to exit entrance Prevent bumps at all times
Cope with odometry deviations caused by slip

Code architecture

In the figure below you can find a schematic representation of the code architecture that we used:


World Model

The class 'WorldModel' functions as main storage place for important variables that can be used by all other modules. To enhance separation of tasks among the different modules, all values stored in the World Model are private. The class also has some public functions by which other modules can obtain and process data.

The most important variables in the World Model will be explained here. The first one is the minimum distance to a wall, accompanied by the angle where it is found, relative to Pico. These values are used to allign Pico to the right wall and turn left in a corner. When the shortest distance to a wall is found on the right of Pico, he can walk straight ahead. However, if the angle is outside the margins, Pico will rotate either clockwise or anticlockwise until he is aligned to the wall again. If the shortest distance is found in front of pico, he will turn left until the closest wall is found on the right again.

The other important data structure in the World Model is a matrix, in which the spatial derivatives are saved. By spatial derivative, we mean the difference between the measured laser distance of one array and the next evaluated array. Between these two arrays, 4 arrays are skipped.


closest convex corner detection

The laser data is called in the World Model and sent to the class 'Perception'. In this class, the laser data is converted to important variables as the minimal distance to a wall, the accompanying angle relative to Pico and the spatial derivative matrix. These values are then updated in the World Model.

In the class 'Monitoring', the output of the class 'Perception' is converted to useful information about the exit. There are two ways of detecting the exit. It depends on Pico's initial position which way should be used. If Pico is standing within the area extended from the two corners of the exit, Pico will see both walls of each convex corner. If Pico is located outside this area, it will only perceive one wall belonging to the closest convex corner and both walls of the furthest convex corner. For both situations, the matrix with spatial derivatives can be used.

First, there will be sought for a "gap" in the spatial derivative data. If the difference between the laser distance of one array and the array 4 steps further is above a certain threshold value, the angle of the first array is saved. This evaluation will be done for all arrays. By leaving 4 arrays in between, a real convex corner will have a higher occurrence than a small slit in the wall. A cluster of laser arrays with a high occurrence is expected to be the closest convex corner. In the figure on the right, the color combinations of laser arrays will give a high spatial difference. This cluster of arrays will be recognized as a convex corner.

Next, the spatial derivative matrix will be scanned for transitions from negative derivatives to positive derivatives. In this way, the furthest convex corner can be found (or both convex corners if Pico is between the corners).

The sideways, forward and rotational motions Pico needs to make to get to the entrance of the hallway are calculated. These values are stored in the World Model.


The global planning is defined in- and executed by the main program. To this end, a finite state machine is used. Pico starts by initializing all classes and sensors. If Pico is too close to a wall, he drives away from it. Next, it enters the 'direct exit finding' planning. It tries to localize an exit from its current position. If Pico fails to find an exit, he will turn around 180 degrees and try again. In this way, Pico should have observed every angle of the room. If Pico finds the exit, it will move toward the entrance, following the drive commands that were determined in the 'Monitoring' module. To account for slip, this procedure of localizing the exit and driving towards it will be repeated until Pico is close enough to the hallway entrance point. Now, Pico drives straight ahead and enters the state 'hallwayFollow'. In this state, Pico drives forward if it is not too close to a wall on both sides. He moves right if he is too close to a wall on the left side and moves left if he is too close to a wall on the right side. This procedure continues until Pico does not perceive a wall on the left and right side anymore. Pico stops and shuts down the program.

If still no exit is found after rotating, Pico switches to the 'Wall following' planning. Pico walks straight ahead until it finds a wall. He turns left until he is aligned to the wall and follows the walls, driving counterclockwise to the exit. If a large transition of the laser distance on the right of Pico occurs, Pico turns clockwise and moves sideways until it is standing in front of the hallway. Now Pico drives forward and enters the state 'hallwayFollow', which it only leaves when no walls on the side are detected and Pico has crossed the finish line.


The module 'driveControl' consists of a collection of functions. These functions are driveForward, driveBackwards, driveLeft, driveRight, rotateLeft, rotateRight and stop. Rotational and translational speed are fixed values that are stored in a configuration file. Each function updates the odometry data to keep track of the drive effort.

Wall follower

In the movie on the left, one can see a simulation where only the wall following strategy is used. As you can see in the movie, Pico walks to the wall and enters the wall-following module in which it adjusts itself when its angle with the right wall exceeds a threshold value. When he detects the gap at the right side, it turns towards the exit and enters the hallwayFollow module.

In the movie on the right, the real test-results are shown. The behavior of Pico differs from the simulated situation in two facets. At first, Pico tends to rotate too far, building up an angle with the right wall. It does not rotate to compensate for this. This lack of reaction is caused by choosing too high safety margins. At second, Pico does not turn towards the exit. Later, we found out that this was due to a missing absolute value in the calculation of the difference between laser range values on the right side of Pico. In the simulation, the gap on the right side gives very low laser range values, while in reality the gap gives relatively high laser range values with respect to the wall Pico is following. By taking the absolute value, this problem would have been addressed.

Simulation performance
Escape room challenge performance


Both previously mentioned points could have been remedied if we would have used the test sessions more efficiently. The full code was not finished yet when we had the last test session before the challenge. We could better have focused on either the wall following strategy or the direct exit finding strategy. By choosing to do both, we got our self into time problems.

The code itself features all modules that the code should have. However, in the communication between the modules, some improvements can be made. The code would have been more readable if we would have used flags to control the state of the state machine. Now we send a lot of data from the world model to the state machine to assess whether a state should be left and a new state should be entered. Also, we could have sent the state of the state machine to the world model and connect with the drive control from the world model. At last, the code for exit detection was written too much in a sense-plan-act manner. This method is prone to failure, especially when data is inaccurate.


explanation & movie of simulation (do we have something useful?) & discussion on approach - Janick

Alternative check for big jumps corners at derivative switch comparison point by point, work, but... → not robust slits in the wall break method even with averaging, (potentially due to not handling rp’s) get old code back from git or use old phone vid


Hospital challenge

World model




Also simulation movie of updating map possible?

Read in data. (throwaway endpoints → observed to be line, but time constraints) identify rupture points (veryfarawaypoints) identify bps (adaptive breakpoint adapter [j1]) throw away lonelys; unreliable /image:lonelies identify suspected corners (have to be convex), make initial line segmenu detect corners (IEPF,[j1])

corner type identification check number of subsequent segments → curved object → suspected dynamic \video green linepieces, red bp’s, orange rp’s, blue circles convex, purple concave, cyan assumed (convex), yellow/or gray maybe lidar simulated data reference points, text added in afterwards

Mapping Points of interest (generalised corners and linesegments) Through localisation → map frame points of interest/walls stored. Compare new data with known and expected. New cornerpoints are added with a timestamp, if this fluctuates heavily they're removed, otherwise we see a static object. PICO should stop when observing new point. To prevent stopping continuously these are only the generalised corners, or a new linepiece, points related to said linepiece are allowed to be added “on the run”. Also simulation movie of updating map possible? Tbd, i’m going to check to open/close/open adjusted maps, if internal state is conserved this should allow for display of object detection functionality. [j1] Borges, G.A.; Aldon, M.J. Line extraction in 2D range images for mobile robotics.J. Intell. Robot. Syst.2004,40, 267–297. [CrossRef]



Path planning


Global path planning

The hospital is divided in structs 'room'. This is done both to preserve the semantics and for practical purposes: it reduces computation time for local path planning and it makes it easy to call information about corners and cabinets in the proximity of Pico. A 'door' is a separate struct. The connections between all rooms and doors are stored in a graph. A vector 'globalPath' is filled by repeatedly choosing the connected door/room with the highest ID-number (if there are more possibilities). ID's that are already in the path are ignored to prevent Pico from walking in a loop. When a doorway is blocked, the connection will be removed from the graph. The route calculated in this way is not per definition the fastest route, but this is not needed to succeed in the challenge.

Each cabinet and each door have a unique enter-gridpoint. These points are used for local path planning. As the "large door" connecting the two parts of the hallway could be partly obstructed, three enterpoints are assigned to this door. If no obstruction is present, the middle node will be used. The enterpoints can be viewed as white circles in the image left below.

Local path planning

To plan Pico's path between enter-gridpoints, use is made of an A* pathplanning algorithm. This method was chosen over Dijkstra's method because it is faster. We will choose a heuristic function that is admissible, so it will be guarenteed that A* will give the shortest path from start to end.

All grid points on the map come with a boolean "accessible". Points that are close to a wall or an object receive the value 'false'. Mapping new objects is also based on this principle: whenever a new static object is detected, the gridpoints it covers will become unaccessible.

After the A* function is called with a certain start-gridpoint and end-gridpoint, it first goes through some checks. These checks assess whether the startposition and endposition are accessible and whether the startposition is the destination itself. If the startposition is unaccessible, the gridpoint itself and the points directly around it are temporarily made accessible (this is needed when Pico accidentally got too close to a wall or object).

Next, the start-node is put in the open list. At every cycle of the loop, the node in open list with the smallest f-value is evaluated. The f-value of node n is the sum of the cost of the path from start to node n and the heuristic cost of that node. This current node is put in the closed list. Next, the eight nodes around it are evaluated. If one of the nodes is the destination, the path from start-node to destination-node is reconstructed. If not, the cost-functions of these nodes are updated and if they are not yet in the closed list, they will be added to the open list from which the node with the lowest f-value will be evaluated in the next loop.

Grid map with door- and cabinet-enterpoints
Grid map with A* route

Finite state machine


Main finite state machine

Drive finite state machine



The video below shows the performance of Pico in the final challenge. We have to say that this is not exactly the result we hoped for. As can be seen, Pico has difficulties finding the entrance of the first room. This problem is due to an unfixed bug in Pico's localization. Pico manages to determine it's global route to cabinet 0. He starts it's local route to it's first destination: the doorway of the first room. However, he turns a bit too far and heads to the corner of the doorway. Pico is programmed to step back when he is too close to a wall. After reaching a certain backward distance, Pico relocalizes itself and recalculates a path to it's destination. However, due to the problem in localization, he thinks he is outside the zone where he expects himself to be. He now re-takes the old route until he gets too close to the wall again and stays in this loop forever.

Hospital challenge performance

