0LAUK0 2015 01 Week5

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Week 5: 28-09-15


Kasper Bakker

Frank van Heeswijk

Looked into modeling the full system using CIF, read the tutorials extensively. Ultimately I understood how it would be possible to model single entities (like a bus, passenger or bus stop) using automata, but I failed to see how you would reasonable model a full network of road segments, bus stops, buses and passengers that all need to be connected. Therefore I think that it is better to continue with our own simulation where we can more easily implement these things.

Yuanlong Li

-Made a discrete event simulator based on React.NET framework

The simulator is able to simulate multiple buses, bus stops and passengers interacting with each other.

Basically there are 3 different kind of process running in the simulator

1. Bus is keep running around and retrieving next destination from the scheduler interface

2. Passenger is another process trigged by bus at bus stops. On/off action will take certain amount of time for each passenger.

3. Simulator itself acts as environment. It generates passengers using Exponential distribution and step through random time generated using Normal distribution.

There's still a lot to do to make the simulation complete:

1. Currently only a static scheduler is implemented. Dynamic scheduler and multiple routes static scheduler need to be implemented.

2. Currently only one line is available.

3. Need to make it configurable.

0LAUK0 2015 01 Week5 Simulation.gif

Eric Steenhof

Joey Verest

Frank, Li, Eric S and I discussed what sort of simulation we want to make and what things we need for the simulation. Eric S and I chose a existing bus-route in Eindhoven lijn 3. The bus-route consist of 18 bus-stops. Eric S and I wrote down the travel time and distance between each bus-stop. therefor we used Google earth and the site of Hermes. After that we added the shortcuts with associated distance and time. I made a system in Microsoft Visio, so it's clear and Li and Frank can use it.(See Bus-route) Our goal next week is to make also the return of the bus-route with shortcuts, and extend the bus-route with other bus-stops.

Eric Wolters

This week i worked on analysing the data and reporting the findings in a clear document

Lester Jones

Checking the report.

Combining all documents in one report.

Look what still has to be done.