Embedded Motion Control 2014 Group 3

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Group Members

Name: Student id:
Jan Romme 0755197
Freek Ramp 0663262
Anne Krus 0734280
Kushagra 0873174
Roel Smallegoor 0753385
Janno Lunenburg - Tutor -

Time survey

Link: time survey group 3


Week 1 (28/4 - 4/5)

Finish the tutorials

Week 2 (5/5 - 11/5)




In the overview the different packages (dotted boxes) and nodes (solid boxes) are displayed. The topics are displayed at the sides of the nodes.



LaserData from Pico

The data from the laser on pico is in lasercloud format. This means that the data is represented in an array of distances. The starting angle and angle increment are known. This means we have the distances from laser to objects for a range of angles.

LaserCloud to Pointcloud

Because we are going to fit lines to the walls, it would be easier to have tha data in Carthesian Coordinates. In this node the laserData is transformed in a PointCloud, which is published on the topic. It is also possible to filter the data in this node when needed. For now all data is transformed into the PointCloud.


The safety node is created for testing. When something goes wrong and Pico is about to hit the wall the safety node will publish a Bool to tell the strategy it is not safe anymore. When the code is working well safety shouldn't be needed anymore.


- Pointcloud X,Y
- Remove negative X points
- Fit lines

- Select closest and parallel in X direction lines (one with Y>0 one with Y<0), the left en right wall
- Y of waypoint = average of endpoints of 2 parallel lines
- ang.z = sign(Yw)*Yw^2*tunefactor

- If 2 parallel walls can be found, drive in X direction
- No walls? Crossing.