PRE2016 4 Groep2
Preliminary planning
Minutes by week
Computer vision
Week |
Dates |
What |
Whom |
1 |
24-30 April |
Problem definition Context Planning Presentation Research about state of the art
Make appointment with secondary users Brainstorm: what to put in interview/questionnaire? 27/4 deadline planning 24/4 meeting 1 25/4 meeting 2 |
All All M & E J & F J & B M & F E & F E TBD M & E M & E M & E |
2 |
1-7 May |
First presentation (max. 10 min) Computer Vision (CV)
J & F J & B E & F M |
3 |
8-14 May |
Computer Vision (CV)
J & B E & F M |
4 |
15-21 May |
Implementation results interview: Decide upon features of robot |
All |
5 |
22-28 May |
Bring all the components together Preliminary design Seek flaws |
All |
6 |
29 May to 4th of June |
Decide upon final design, give descriptions and make diagrams |
All |
7 |
5-11 June |
final design Discussion Conclusion Extra time if necessary |
All |
8 |
12th of June |
Final presentation |
All |
Task, Who+deadline, Duration, Finished?
Planning, ME 27/4, 1:00
Presentation, JF 30/4, 2:00
Research, decide which subject to discuss; All 1/5; 6:00
Week 1
Minutes 24/4
Discussed: Ellen and Mireille looking for what is needed in healthcare, asking nurses, looking in the feeld where the problems occur with caring for people and people caring for themselves. Everyone will look what is state of the art about lifting people autonomously, what can we improve about this technology and what will be the future challenges Next meeting: 25/4 12:30 Fixed meetings: every monday 9:00-12:30
Minutes 25/4
what subject do we want to choose concretely? The “robear” is very similar to what we had in vision, it can lift up people. This robear doesn’t have robot vision yet, so we can see if we can improve this aspect so that we can lift up a person in every position. Is this not a too small concept? what can our end goal be? making an autonomous robot which can lift people what do we need to accomplish? who are the users? first, secondary users knowing what is state of the art, what do people think of the current lift possibilities how does it need to look like design a concept knot cutting we take the robear as state of the art, we want to create a lifting robot that can operate autonomously without supervision, which has an appearance which people appreciate points to do: specify how the robear exactly operates what are the points to improve, what is missing doing field research with the secondary users (week 2) doing field research about our final concept designing the appearance simulating the navigation value sensitive design computer vision ...
with every point we: search the state of the art we identify what is missing or can be improved we design a better solution
combining every component to create our final robot on paper
Tasks: Joris and Frouke will make the presentation and will presentate on monday Ellen and Mireille will make the planning specific and in detail
Week 2
Minutes May 4th Present: Frouke, Ellen, Bram (first half), Mireille (second half), Joris (second half)
Topic: interview Discussed: what questions are relevant? Take out double questions, don’t spend too long on nurses’ complaints/physical injuries. What questions should be added? More questions about emotions of client and how to reassure them while moving. Questions about improvement of RoBear: user interface with touch screen/sound. What functions does the nurse think should be added? Discussing values. What values are important? How can we directly link norms, rules of conduct or the robot’s behaviour to these values?
Topic: user interface on robot Search for articles on communicating with client. How a robot should approach a person, give information, use sounds and commands. An extra which we will not use: robot that takes initiative in lifting person, e.g. wake up function
Topic: Computer vision: detect person and its body parts Programme can recognize a person’s face and its body in standing position To do: body in other positions (lie down, kneeling, …)
To put on the wiki: Preliminary interview, minutes, progress on computer vision (short description)
To do: Think of concrete questions to ask the supervisors. Discuss interview, are there any improvements? Short demo on c.v.
==Preparations for interview, identifying values==
Identify the context, user and tasks of the robot
What are important values for the care givers?
What are important values for the care receivers?
Can there be linked concrete norms to these values?
Work done beforehand:
Care robot:
Care for persons
“Designed for use in home, hospital, or other settings to assist in, support, or provide care for the sick, disabled, young, elderly or otherwise vulnerable persons” (Vallor 2011)
Assisting in caregiving tasks
Monitoring a patient’s health status
Providing social care or companionships
Some level of autonomy
Require minimal human input, but are still human-operated
“interpretive flexibility”: a robot is defined by its context, users and task for use
Three dimensions to ethics of robots:
Ethical systems built in robots
Ethical systems of people who design robots
Ethics of how people treat robots
Care (4 stages, Tronto)
Caring about (recognizing one is in need and what those needs are)
Care taking (taking responsibility for the meeting of said needs)
Care giving (fulfilling an action to meet the needs of an individual)
Care receiving (recognition of a change in function of the individual in need)
Moral elements (corresponding)
Needs of care receiver ← → Needs of care giver
Nursing home (e.g. critical care ward for people with dementia)
Safety (of the care receiver and care giver)
care receiver: prevent injury from falling, being squished, choking, being trapped, …
care giver: prevent injury from being run over, being trapped, catching care receiver, …
Hands-on care, warm and seemingly “safe” hands/arms
Linked values:
Human dignity
Patient satisfaction
Nurse satisfaction
Physical wellbeing patient
Psychological wellbeing patient
Patient-nurse relationship
Identify the context, user and tasks of the robot
What are important values for the care givers?
What are important values for the care receivers?
Can there be linked concrete norms to these values?
What to check with the nurses:
Wat is uw functie? (Verzorgende in thuiszorg, ...)
Op welke afdeling werkt u?
Scenario: Wanneer een cliënt moet worden verplaatst van bed naar de badkamer, welke methode gebruikt u het meest? Beschrijf de methode stap voor stap.
Als een cliënt (het aangeeft dat hij) zich niet op zijn gemak voelt bij het optillen, hoe stelt u deze dan gerust?
Levert u vaak fysieke inspanningen door het verplaatsen van cliënten?
Wat maakt het optillen van cliënten zo lastig?
Heeft u last van klachten die veroorzaakt worden door het verplaatsen van cliënten?
In welke mate verhinderen deze klachten u in het dagelijkse leven?
Bespreek een paar cliënten in de zorg waarmee u ervaringen heeft met het gebruik van de tillift.
Tillift (verzorgende)
Hoe vaak komt u in aanraking met een tillift?
Beschrijf uw ervaring met de tillift.
In hoeverre levert u nog fysieke inspanning bij het gebruik van de tillift?
Welke aspecten vindt u positief aan de tillift?
Wat zijn de nadelen van de tillift?
Geeft u de voorkeur aan het gebruik van een tillift?
Tillift (cliënt)
Hoe ervaart de cliënt het optillen met de hand? En met de tillift?
Geeft de cliënt de voorkeur aan het optillen door een verzorgende of met de tillift?
Ervaart de cliënt geregeld angst bij het gebruik van de tillift?
Ervaart de cliënt geregeld irritatie bij het gebruik van de tillift?
Ervaart de cliënt geregeld ongemak bij het gebruik van de tillift?
Relatie verzorgende-cliënt
Is vertrouwen een belangrijk onderdeel in het verplaatsen van een cliënt?
Hoe is uw relatie/band met de gemiddelde cliënt?
Draagt deze relatie bij in het vertrouwen in het tilproces?
Wanneer u gebruik maakt van de tillift in plaats van het zelf tillen, schaadt dit het vertrouwen van de cliënt in het tillen?
Beschrijf de RoBear
Hoe staat u tegenover deze technologie?
Wat vindt u de voordelen van deze technologie?
Wat vindt u de nadelen van deze technologie?
Hoe denkt u dat dit de relatie verzorgende-zorgbehoevende beïnvloedt?
Hoe denkt u dat de RoBear verbeterd kan worden op gebruiksgemak?
Hoe denkt u dat de RoBear verbeterd kan worden zodat het comfortabeler is voor de cliënt?
Zijn er bijkomstigheden waar we niet aan hebben gedacht, als de cliënt autonoom kan opstaan?
Met het vorderen van de technologie, zien we de volgende toekomstscenario: de RoBear kan volledig autonoom assisteren in het optillen van een zorgbehoevende, zonder dat daarbij een verzorger bij te pas komt. Zo kunnen mensen later een RoBear thuis hebben en zijn er minder zorgmomenten nodig voor cliënten die niet zelfstandig uit bed kunnen komen.
Hoe kijkt u hier tegenaan?
Denkt u dat de cliënt positief of negatief staat tegenover een vergrote autonomie door de RoBear? Op wat voor manier?
Wat betekent dit voor de sociale interactie met de verzorger?
Wat betekent dit voor de cliënt betreffende het contact met de buitenwereld?
Denkt u dat een oudere zich hierdoor sneller eenzaam voelt?
Zeehondje: Paro
Beschrijving van Paro, het robotzeehondje dat steeds populairder wordt
Wat vindt u van deze manier van het geruststellen van ouderen?
Zou dit in uw ogen kunnen worden toegepast bij de RoBear?
Gebruikersinterface van de RoBear
Het volgende voorstel is: de RoBear kan worden verbeterd door een gebruikersinterface toe te voegen aan de RoBear, in de vorm van een (touchscreen) scherm en geluid. Zo kan de robot informatie geven over de cliënt (denk aan lichaamshouding detecteren, opdrachten geven, vertellen wat er gaat gebeuren, waarschuwingen geven, een filmpje/demonstratie geven van de handeling die de RoBear gaat verrichten, smileys: hoe heeft u dit ervaren?, …)
Wat denkt u hiervan?
Wat zoudt u voorstellen om toe te voegen aan dit gebruikersinterface?
In welke mate zijn de volgende waarden voor u van belang? Hoe brengt u deze in verband met de RoBear? veiligheid, respect, vertrouwen, functionaliteit
Problem definition and setting
Introduction: general goal
All around the world, robots are being introduced in daily life. In healthcare, the prospective is that robots will facilitate elderly or disabled persons to be more mobile and enable them to move around freely. Take for example the scenario where a person has to get up from his or her bed and be moved into a wheelchair. Of iets anders, maak er iets moois van ;) Where in earlier days the manual lifting of a person by two nurses was required, nowadays a hoist for transferring people is used regularly. In the past couple of years, Japan has been developing a robot that can autonomically lift a person on command. This state-of-the-art technology is not yet to be introduced on a large scale in nursing homes. Why, is what our goal is to find out. In this project, our subject of interest will be this so-called RoBear.
Iemand anders: wat is de RoBear, wat kan deze doen, etc.
With this project, we would like to find out whether the RoBear could fit in a nursing home, where people live with some degree of freedom and are regularly checked upon. Later, we will make more concrete goals on how to achieve this in general.
Care centre
The interview will be held with ?? nurses of the RSZK, which stands short for Regionale Stichting Zorgcentra de Kempen. This institute facilitates home care and help at home, but also consists of several nursing homes. In the latter, the distinguishment is made between “verzorgingstehuis”, where people live that cannot live independently due to old age, illness or a handicap, and “verpleegtehuis”, where intensive care is given to people that require heavy medical treatments because of severe physical or psychological handicaps, for example after cerebral hemorrhage or dementia.
For this project, we will consider the RoBear as a robot that could be integrated in the nursing homes of the first type. These home centres consist of several care apartments, that are mostly inhabited by elderly people.
Setting: movie from RSZK Mariahof te Reusel. <a href=""> </a>
This nursing home is inhabited by people that live semi-independently, but receive care they require with some daily tasks, such as help with showering, help with going to bed, medical stockings et cetera. The general lay out of the rooms is similar, all include a bed/living-room with bathroom and an own kitchenette. The room itself is not furnished, so each client is free to place furniture at his or her own liking. However, the arrangement of the furniture must be conform rules that are introduced so that nurses are not impeded in their movement while caring for their client.
Why introduce the RoBear?
One of the care tasks is to transfer a person from A to B. For example, two nurses need to help a client to get out of bed and into a (wheel)chair in the morning. This involves the care practice of lifting, which can cause physical injury for the nurses. Interview
Therefore, our aim is to introduce the RoBear in the care facility, to relieve the nurses from some of the more harmful tasks in healthcare. Wat is er dan zo harmful? Ga in op interview
Hoe gebeurt tillen nu? Waaarom willen we dit verbeteren? Waarom denken we de RoBear te kunnen introduceren in deze zorginstelling?
Why can’t we introduce the RoBear in this care facility?
Het probleem aangeven + verschillen met normale persoonslift
Goals: general/specific
In particular, we aim for improvement of the care practice of lifting a patient in a safe and comfortable way with a certain degree of autonomy. Primarily, the Robear must be able to lift a client in a safe way, which entails that the client can under no condition fall off of the Robear when only one nurse is present to guide the client in the arms of the RoBear. In a later stadium, the RoBear should be able to lift a client safely without any supervision. However, this might be a bridge too far. In particular, we would like to examine and improve the way of lifting, since in our opinion the lifting with a piece of cloth attached to two arms might not be most efficient. Secondly, the goal is to make a person feel safe and comfortable while lifting. This includes the amount of pressure points with the person being lifted. The third item to be improved is connected with the first, namely that the RoBear can lift a person more efficiently and more importantly, on its own. Improve at own initiative
Now the question is: how will we achieve these goals? First of all, research will be done on how to lift a person efficiently, by means of an interview with nurses who perform this care practice on a daily base. Then, we will try to improve the way of lifting people for the RoBear with this information, taking into account the actions nurses take in order to make a person feel comfortable. The next item is to improve the RoBear by means of body position detection of the client. This way, a nurse can fully focus on the client while the RoBear exactly knows how to perform the action of lifting the client. Dit kan zoveel concreter…