PRE2015 3 Groep2 log martijn
Week 1
- Meeting after lecture
- Background research about drones for deciding on topic
It was clear we wanted to do something with drones. Options for topics were:
- Drones filming in a football match
- Drones delivering packages at home
- Drones chasing a fugitive like a police helicopter
Week 2
- Meeting
- Rules for drones (see 'Legalisation' under 'week 2')
- Presentation (preparation, I was supposed to present as well but got ill and also lost my voice)
Week 3
- Meeting
- First look into other projects at home
- Wednesday entire morning researching the drone. What do we have and how does fly? Also what software is available? (also see Problems)
- Redefining Research
- Research Personal Space by E. Torta --> See Research, week 3 (together with Jeroen)
Problems: This week we together looked at the drone together and tried to make it fly. Also we looked at the feedback we got after out last presentation regarding our project. One of these feedback points was about other groups of previous years that had done projects with similar subjects.
One project however seemed to look like a little too much like the plans we had in mind, forcing us to adjust the aim of our project. They were using the same drone, the same software to fly it and even thought of the same method for verification of the customer (NFC tag). We had two choices, either continue where the other group left off or research a different aspect of the subject. Considering we have only 2 people from ICT, 1 electrical engineer and 3 people from WTB with little programming experience, choosing the first option seemed unwise.
Thus we moved our focus to the part of flying the drone as in finding a good landing spot. Also we decided to research the approaching of people by drones, since no research we were able to find did look at that for drones yet.
Week 4
- Working on Approaching Users
- Working on Drone specifications
- Performing experiment 1
- Being a test subject
- Taking measurements
Week 5
- Discussing the progression of the project
- Discussing how the test setup of the autonomous landing research will look like
- Second experiment
- Doing the experiment
- Processing the results of the experiment
- Extending information that is coming in the report
- Rewrite Chapter about the Users