PRE2015 3 Groep1 requirements
Must have The drone must be able to fly, especially outdoors, in a changing environment. The building site changes a lot, so the drone must be suited for every day a bit different situation, and the drone must be able to fly its way through this building site. The drone must also be able to land safely on its own. De drone must be able to navigate through this building site to the hot spots indicated beforehand. By its navigation it must be able to find its docking station at the end of its shift or in case the battery is low. It must reach its docking station before the battery is completely empty. The drone must be able to communicate abnormalities to the guard and react at the guards decisions. Thereby the drone must never take actions it’s not allowed to without explicit permission of the guards or reject the guards decisions. Another communication aspect is the fact the drone must always confirm its location (coordinates e.g. by GPS) to the guards, and signal the guard if there occurs a defect in the drone. Defects can be a take down by for example an intruder, but also a broken propellor or suddenly empty battery. The drone must be able to detect intruders by a infrared camera(?) and or its movement sensor. The drone must be able to detect at least 99% of all intruders. After an intruder is detected and the guard has confirmed the intruder, the drone must be able to follow the intruder and take photo’s of the intruder. These photo’s must be send to the guard and saved somewhere there. The drone must film its restricted area .