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In toplevel simulation some of the process of creating this simulation is described. However, as written bla bla bla
"""the simulation actually used for running over and over again. All graphics stuff has been either commented out or deleted for efficiency""" #todo add parameters for ethical choices import random import math #import multiprocessing #import pygame #from pygame.locals import * #import pygame.font #pygame.init() #this kinda sucks if we don't actually use the graphics but soit #pygame.font.init() extremeDebug=False debug=False def distance(a,b): return sum( [(a[i]-b[i])**2 for i in range(len(a))])**.5 def distanceq(a,b): return sum( [(a[i]-b[i])**2 for i in range(len(a))]) class AO(object): """Represents area of operation""" size = None obstacles = None piles = None robotsInAO = None blackboard =None CZ=None l=2#the "sensitivity of the choice process" speed=1 def __init__(self, size, cz, nRobots, piles, obstacles, evaporatePile = lambda x:x, dropPile = lambda x,y,z:y+1, treshold = lambda x: 1, l=2, searchChoice = lambda bblen, nrob: min((10.*bblen)/(2*nrob),1), distance1 = lambda x: 1/(x+1), distance2 = lambda x: 1, speed=1, goalSwitch=0): """ needs as input: -the size of the AO -the coordinates for the CZ (just one point for now) -the number of robots -a list of piles two points per pile giving two corners of the pile which is assumed to be rectangular (possibly degenerated) a list of objects as ints indicating the number of robots needed to move the object the number of people trapped e.g. [ ((1,2), (3,4), [1,1,6,3,1],5), ((6,7), (8,12), [3,1,1,3,4],0)] -a list of obstacles two points per obstacle giving two corners of the obstacle which is assumed to be rectangular (possibly degenerated) e.g. [((1,1),(2,2)), ((3,1),(4,3))] -a function that determines the speed of evaporation of the pheromones for the piles (mapping floats to floats in a suitable manner) -a function that determines the speed of evaporation of the pheromones for the paths (mapping floats to floats in a suitable manner) -a function called by a robot to increase the pheromone concentration at a pile (three arguments: pilesize, pheromone concentration, treshold) -a function called by a robot to increase the pheromone concentration at a path (to floats) - goalSwitch: if 0, don't try to go to near piles if goal, but don't avoid getting into the wrong pile either if 1, explicitly don't want to get into the wrong pile if 2, whenever a pile - possibly other than the goal pile - is in sight, go to that pile """ self.l=l#the "sensitivity of the choice process" self.speed=speed self.size = (int(size[0]),int(size[1])) #automatically checks for right type this way self.CZ=(int(cz[0]),int(cz[1])) self.__evaporatePile=evaporatePile self.__dropPile=dropPile self.treshold = treshold self.searchChoice = searchChoice #for i in range(nRobots): #self.robotsInAO.append(Robot(self.CZ,self.__drop))#fill the list with robots #want to fill the list of robots one at a time so they don't all live at the same time self.numrobots=nRobots self.researchData={} self.goalSwitch=goalSwitch self.distance1 = distance1 self.distance2 = distance2 self.piles=[] pileID=0 for pile in piles:#create all the piles according to input pileID+=1 x1=int(min(pile[0][0],pile[1][0])) x2=int(max(pile[0][0],pile[1][0])) y1=int(min(pile[0][1],pile[1][1])) y2=int(max(pile[0][1],pile[1][1])) self.piles.append( Pile( self, pileID, (x1,y1), (x2,y2), [int(obj) for obj in pile[2]], pile[3] )) self.researchData[pileID]=[{"size":sum(pile[2]),"robotsAtPile":0}] self.obstacles = [] self.researchData["total size"]=[sum([pile.pileSize() for pile in self.piles])] self.researchData["total victims"]=[sum([pile.pileVictims() for pile in self.piles])] #if extremeDebug: self.obstaclePoints=[] for obstacle in obstacles: #all obstacles are assumed to be rectangles x1=int(min(obstacle[0][0],obstacle[1][0])) x2=int(max(obstacle[0][0],obstacle[1][0])) y1=int(min(obstacle[0][1],obstacle[1][1])) y2=int(max(obstacle[0][1],obstacle[1][1])) self.obstacles.append(( (x1,y1), (x2,y2), ((x2-x1)/2,(y2-y1)/2), (max(distance( ((x2-x1)/2,(y2-y1)/2),(x1,y1)), distance( ((x2-x1)/2,(y2-y1)/2),(x2,y2)))+self.speed)**2 )) # if extremeDebug: # for a in range(x1, x2+1): # for b in range(y1, y2+1): # self.obstaclePoints.append((a,b)) self.robotsInAO = [] self.blackboard = [] self.researchData["blackboard"]=dict(bbelem) for bbelem in self.blackboard#have to copy it because otherwise the data will be synchronised self.precircle = [(n, m) for n in range(-self.speed, self.speed+1) for m in range(-self.speed, self.speed+1) if n*n + m*m <= self.speed*self.speed] def update(self): if self.numrobots>0:#release robots one at a time self.robotsInAO.append(Robot(self, self.CZ, self.speed, self.__dropPile, self.treshold, self.searchChoice, self.distance1, self.distance2)) self.numrobots-=1 bblen=len(self.blackboard) for robot in self.robotsInAO: robot.update() for pile in self.piles: if min(pile.coordinates[0][0],pile.coordinates[1][0])<=robot.coordinates[0]<=max(pile.coordinates[0][0],pile.coordinates[1][0]) and \ min(pile.coordinates[0][1],pile.coordinates[1][1])<=robot.coordinates[1]<=max(pile.coordinates[0][1],pile.coordinates[1][1]): #the robot has arrived at the pile pile.update(robot, self) if len(self.blackboard)>bblen: for robot in self.robotsInAO: robot.setForage() #makes a portion of the searching robots go foraging #now do evaporation: for bbelem in self.blackboard: bbelem["pheromones"]= self.__evaporatePile(bbelem["pheromones"]) if debug: czlen= len([robot for robot in self.robotsInAO if robot.coordinates==self.CZ]) if czlen>0: print czlen for pile in self.piles: self.researchData[].append({"size":pile.pileSize(), "robotsAtPile":pile.totalRobots()}) self.researchData["blackboard"].append([dict(bbelem) for bbelem in self.blackboard]) self.researchData["total size"].append(sum([pile.pileSize() for pile in self.piles])) self.researchData["total victims"].append(sum([pile.pileVictims() for pile in self.piles])) return len(self.piles)#this will be the check for the main loop def removePile(self, pile): pile.dropRobots() self.piles.remove(pile) toBeRemoved=[] for bbelem in self.blackboard: if pile.isAt((bbelem["coordinates"],)): toBeRemoved.append(bbelem) print "one bb element removed" if not toBeRemoved: "print no bb element removed" self.blackboard=[bbelem for bbelem in self.blackboard if not bbelem in toBeRemoved] def totalRobots(self): return len(self.robotsInAO)+sum([pile.totalRobots() for pile in self.piles]) #def allowedMove(self, coordinates1, coordinates2): # """Decides wether moving from coordinates1 to coordinates2 is possible""" # #a move is possible if there is no obstacle intersecting with [coordinates1, coordinates2] and also no other pile than that at coordinates2 is intersecting with [coordinates1, coordinates2] # length = ((coordinates2[0]-coordinates1[0])**2+(coordinates2[1]-coordinates1[1])**2)**.5 # direction = (float(coordinates2[0]-coordinates1[0])/length, # float(coordinates2[1]-coordinates1[1])/length) # line=[(round(coordinates1[0] + .1*n*direction[0]),round(coordinates1[1]+.1*n*direction[1])) for n in range(round(10*length)+1)] #isn't practical def onALine(self, x, y, z): try: lefthand = ((z[0]-x[0])/distance(z,x), (z[1]-x[1])/distance(z,x)) righthandp = ((y[0]-x[0])/distance(y,x), (y[1]-x[1])/distance(y,x)) righthandm = (-righthandp[0], -righthandp[1]) return min(distance(lefthand, righthandp), distance(lefthand, righthandm))<.01 except ZeroDivisionError: return True #finetuning: due to rounding off in floatingpoint arithmetic we're forced to use a small number for comaparisson. This might need finetuning def getMovements(self,coordinates): #coordinates=(int(coordinatess[0]),int(coordinatess[1]))#not needed circle=[(coordinates[0]+p[0],coordinates[1]+p[1]) for p in self.precircle if 0<=coordinates[0]+p[0]<=self.size[0] and 0<=coordinates[1]+p[1]<=self.size[1]] #circle around the point freeSpace = list(circle) #pilepoints=[] #shaddow=[] speed=self.speed Distance = distance onALine = self.onALine #possibleObstacles = [obstacle # for obstacle in self.obstacles # if distanceq(obstacle[2],coordinates)<=obstacle[3]+1] possibleObstacles = [obstacle for obstacle in self.obstacles if obstacle[0][0]-speed <= coordinates[0] <= obstacle[1][0]+speed\ and obstacle[0][1]-speed <= coordinates[1] <= obstacle[1][1]+speed] #for coord in freeSpace: #remove all points where there are obstacles #for obstacle in possibleObstacles: # if obstacle[0][0]<=coord[0]<=obstacle[1][0] and \ # obstacle[0][1]<=coord[1]<=obstacle[1][1]: # #freeSpace.remove(coord) # obstaclepoints.append(coord) # if extremeDebug: print "trew away " + str(coord) obstaclepoints =[coord for coord in freeSpace for obstacle in possibleObstacles if obstacle[0][0]<=coord[0]<=obstacle[1][0]\ and obstacle[0][1]<=coord[1]<=obstacle[1][1]] #if extremeDebug: print str(obstaclepoints) freeSpace = [coord for coord in freeSpace if not coord in obstaclepoints] if len(freeSpace)!=len(circle): #for coord in freeSpace: # for obst in obstaclepoints: # if self.onALine(coordinates, obst, coord) \ # and Distance(coordinates, obst)<Distance(coordinates, coord): # shaddow.append(coord) shaddow=[coord for coord in freeSpace for obst in obstaclepoints if onALine(coordinates, obst, coord)\ and Distance(coordinates, obst)<Distance(coordinates, coord)] freeSpace = [coord for coord in freeSpace if not coord in shaddow] #possiblePiles = [pile # for pile in self.piles # if distanceq(pile.centre, coordinates)<=pile.radius+1] possiblePiles = [pile for pile in self.piles if pile.coordinates[0][0]-speed <= coordinates[0] <= pile.coordinates[1][0] + speed\ and pile.coordinates[0][1]-speed <= coordinates[1] <= pile.coordinates[1][1] + speed] #for coord in freeSpace: # for pile in possiblePiles: # if pile.coordinates[0][0]<=coord[0]<=pile.coordinates[1][0] and \ # pile.coordinates[0][1]<=coord[1]<=pile.coordinates[1][1]: # pilepoints.append(coord) pilepoints=[coord for coord in freeSpace for pile in possiblePiles if pile.coordinates[0][0]<=coord[0]<=pile.coordinates[1][0]\ and pile.coordinates[0][1]<=coord[1]<=pile.coordinates[1][1]] if extremeDebug: print [pt for pt in freeSpace if pt in obstaclepoints] return [freeSpace, pilepoints, circle] #n.b. this way a robot might go to a pile unintendedly def getPileSizeAt(self, coordinates): """returns the pile size of the pile at the coordinates""" for pile in self.piles: if min(pile.coordinates[0][0],pile.coordinates[1][0])<=coordinates[0]<=max(pile.coordinates[0][0],pile.coordinates[1][0]) and \ min(pile.coordinates[0][1],pile.coordinates[1][1])<=coordinates[1]<=max(pile.coordinates[0][1],pile.coordinates[1][1]): return pile.pileSize() return None def getVictimsAt(self,coordinates): for pile in self.piles: if pile.coordinates[0][0] <= coordinates[0] <= pile.coordinates[1][0] and\ pile.coordinates[0][1] <= coordinates[1] <= pile.coordinates[1][1]: return pile.pileVictims() def pilesAt(self, coordinateList): return list(set([pile for pile in self.piles if pile.isAt(coordinateList)])) #set filters out duplicates def sendLocalMessage(self, centre, radius, message, pileID): for robot in self.robotsInAO: if robot.distance(robot.coordinates, centre)<=radius: robot.setLocalMessage(message, pileID) class Pile(object): objects=None coordinates = None __que = None id=0 def __init__(self,ao,pileID,coordinate1, coordinate2, objects, humans): #all piles are assumed to be rectangles self.objects=[obj for obj in objects] self.__que=[] self.coordinates = (coordinate1, coordinate2) self.centre = ((coordinate2[0]-coordinate1[0])/2, (coordinate2[1]-coordinate1[1])/2) self.radius = (max(distance(self.centre, coordinate1), distance(self.centre, coordinate2))+ao.speed)**2 self.humans=humans#the number of humans trapped at the pile def update(self, robot, ao): self.__que.append(ao.robotsInAO.pop(ao.robotsInAO.index(robot))) try: if len(self.__que)>=self.objects[0]: obj=self.objects.pop(0)#remove the object and get the number of needed robots for i in range(obj): rob = self.__que.pop()#remove a robot from the que rob.carrying = True #tell that robot it is carrying an object rob.sendToCZ( that robot to the clear zone that robot to the list of the AO if len(self.objects)==0: the pile is empty, remove it from the list of piles except IndexError: def totalRobots(self): return len(self.__que) def pileSize(self): return sum(self.objects) def pileVictims(self): return self.humans def dropRobots(self): for robot in self.__que: robot.carrying = True robot.sendToCZ( self.__que=[] def isAt(self, coordinateList): ret=False for coordinates in coordinateList: if min(self.coordinates[0][0],self.coordinates[1][0])<=coordinates[0]<=max(self.coordinates[0][0],self.coordinates[1][0]) and \ min(self.coordinates[0][1],self.coordinates[1][1])<=coordinates[1]<=max(self.coordinates[0][1],self.coordinates[1][1]): ret = True return ret class Robot(object): coordinates=None __previousCoordinates=None direction=None #Robots are assumed to be small enough to be well represented by a single coordinate and even so small that multiple robots can be in the same spot __goal=None __task=None carrying=False ao=None __localMessage=None __lastID=None def __init__(self,ao, coordinates, speed, dropPile, treshold, searchChoice, distance1, distance2): self.coordinates=(int(coordinates[0]),int(coordinates[1])) self.__previousCoordinates=self.coordinates self.__dropPile = dropPile self.treshold = treshold self.searchChoice=searchChoice ao self.speed = speed self.distance1=distance1 self.distance2=distance2 def sendToCZ(self, pileID): self.__lastID = pileID self.__goal = self.__task="Return" #last coordinate was at the pile, so for simplicity assume it is still there def pickCoordinates(self, target, options): """ input: the floating point coordinates the robot wants to go to output: integer coordinates in option that according to a combination of ceiling and floor correspond to target, or none if none exist """ rounders=[math.floor, math.ceil] targets=[(int(fun1(target[0])),int(fun2(target[1]))) for fun1 in rounders for fun2 in rounders] targets=[e for e in targets if e in options] if not targets: return None #return targets[0] return min(targets, key=lambda x: self.distance(x,target))#take the one closest to the original target def distance(self,a, b): return ((a[0]-b[0])**2 + (a[1]-b[1])**2)**.5 def pickDirection(self,goal, coord): dist = self.distance(goal,coord) if dist >= self.speed: return (coord[0] + self.speed*(goal[0]-coord[0])/dist, coord[1] + self.speed*(goal[1]-coord[1])/dist) else: return goal def chooseRandomDirection(self, options): return random.choice( [point for point in options if self.distance(point, self.coordinates)>=self.speed-2 ]) def setLocalMessage(self, coordinates, pileID): if pileID==self.__lastID: self.__localMessage = coordinates def setForage(self): if random.random()<self.searchChoice(len(, and self.__task=="Search": self.__task="Forage" rnum = random.random() denominator = sum([((pile["pheromones"]+self.treshold(len(***self.distance1(distance(self.coordinates,pile["coordinates"])) for pile in]) treshold = 0 for pile in treshold += ((pile["pheromones"] + self.treshold(len(***self.distance1(distance(self.coordinates, pile["coordinates"])) if rnum<treshold/denominator: self.__goal = pile["coordinates"] break def update(self): Distance=distance if extremeDebug: print "new update" if self.coordinates == self.carrying = False #assign a task and if needed a pile and a path rnum = random.random() if rnum>self.searchChoice(len(, self.__task = "Search" #print "going to search" else: self.__task = "Forage" #print "going to forage" #now, if it is assigned a forage task, pick a pile from the blackboard if self.__task=="Forage": #example of what a blackboard element may look like: #{"coordinates":..., "pheromones":..., "treshold": (k in the articles)} #function from articles rnum = random.random() denominator = sum([((pile["pheromones"]+self.treshold(len(** * self.distance2(Distance(self.coordinates,pile["coordinates"])) for pile in]) treshold = 0#this is a different treshold. Sorry for using the same word twice for pile in treshold += ((pile["pheromones"]+self.treshold(len(***self.distance2(Distance(self.coordinates,pile["coordinates"])) if rnum <treshold/denominator: self.__goal=pile["coordinates"] break #this is the pile it gets assigned too #at this point it is clear what the robot should do like (where I can go, where the piles are) #if extremeDebug: print "movements is "+ str(movements) if debug: if len(movements[0])<=1: print "no movements possible except for staying" if len(movements[0])<=len(movements[1])+1: print "only pile moves or staying" if not movements[0]: print "no movements" if self.__task == "Forage": if not self.__task="Search" #the pile was removed before this robot arrived #self.direction=None #set random direction newdirection = self.chooseRandomDirection(movements[0]) self.direction = (newdirection[0]-self.coordinates[0], newdirection[1]-self.coordinates[1]) self.setForage()#chance of going to forage for another pile #hence start searching for another pile elif self.__goal in movements[0]: self.__previousCoordinates=self.coordinates self.coordinates=self.__goal self.direction = (self.__previousCoordinates[0]-self.coordinates[0], self.__previousCoordinates[1]-self.coordinates[1]) #mirrored direction blackboardElement=[bbelem for bbelem in if bbelem["coordinates"]==self.__goal][0] #n.b. we assume that piles don't overlap #if not #print "no pile at goal "+str(self.__goal) #print "but do have blackboard element "+ str(blackboardElement) blackboardElement["pheromones"]=self.__dropPile( blackboardElement["pheromones"],, #drop pheromones ###### hier gaat het fout als de robot op pad is naar een pile die niet meer bestaat elif movements[1] and #pick a pile point and just go for it relevantBlackboard = [bbelem for bbelem in if bbelem["coordinates"] in movements[1]] if relevantBlackboard: bbchoice = random.choice(relevantBlackboard) self.__previousCoordinates = self.coordinates self.coordinates = bbchoice["coordinates"] self.direction = (self.__previousCoordinates[0]-self.coordinates[0], self.__previousCoordinates[1]-self.coordinates[1]) #mirrored direction bbchoice["pheromones"] = self.__dropPile( bbchoice["pheromones"],, else: coordchoice = random.choice(movements[1]) {"coordinates":coordchoice, "pheromones": self.__dropPile( 0,,})#treshold will be changed anyways self.__previouscoordinates = self.coordinates self.coordinates = coordchoice self.direction = (self.__previousCoordinates[0]-self.coordinates[0], self.__previousCoordinates[1]-self.coordinates[1]) #mirrored direction else: if == 1: movements[0] = [movement for movement in movements[0] if not movement in movements[1]]#explicitly don't want to get into a wrong pile if == 1 preferedDirection = self.pickDirection(self.__goal, self.coordinates) preferedCoordinate = self.pickCoordinates(preferedDirection, movements[0]) if preferedCoordinate:#if it's not None self.__previousCoordinates=self.coordinates self.coordinates = preferedCoordinate #since we can go there and that's where we want to go self.direction = (self.coordinates[0]-self.__previousCoordinates[0], self.coordinates[1]-self.__previousCoordinates[1]) else: #traveling in a straight line to the target is not possible :( #try riding in the preset direction try: #this goes wrong if self.direction=(0,0) preferedCoordinate = self.pickCoordinates( self.pickDirection( (self.coordinates[0]+self.direction[0], self.coordinates[1]+self.direction[1]), self.coordinates), movements[0]) if preferedCoordinate: self.__previousCoordinates=self.coordinates self.coordinates = preferedCoordinate #self.direction stays the same #else choose a left or right at random else: rot = random.choice((-1,1)) preferedCoordinate = self.pickCoordinates( self.pickDirection( self.__goal, self.coordinates), movements[2]) #Where we would have wanted to go if not preferedCoordinate: print "no prefered coordinate found" print self.__goal print self.pickDirection(self.__goal,self.coordinates) attempts=1 chosen=False while attempts<3 and not chosen: rotlist = [point for point in movements[0] if (point[0]*preferedCoordinate[1] -\ point[1]*preferedCoordinate[0])*rot>0\ and point!=self.coordinates]# points with the correct rotation direction if len(rotlist)>0: #we want the one closest to the prefered coordinates #TODO prevent loop movements #meh (see other comment about it) chosenCoordinate = min(rotlist, key=lambda point: Distance( point, preferedCoordinate)) chosen =True else: rot = -rot attempts+=1 if not chosen: #can this occur? raise Exception #I have no inspiration right now if not chosenCoordinate in movements[0]: print "blaaaa :S" self.__previousCoordinates = self.coordinates self.coordinates=chosenCoordinate self.direction = (self.coordinates[0]-self.__previousCoordinates[0],self.coordinates[1]-self.__previousCoordinates[1]) except TypeError: #no preset direction rot = random.choice((-1,1)) preferedCoordinate = self.pickCoordinates( self.pickDirection( self.__goal, self.coordinates), movements[2]) #Where we would have wanted to go attempts=1 chosen=False while attempts<3 and not chosen: rotlist = [point for point in movements[0] if ((point[0]-self.coordinates[0])*(preferedCoordinate[1]-self.coordinates[1]) -\ (point[1]-self.coordinates[1])*(preferedCoordinate[0]-self.coordinates[0]))*rot>0\ and point!=self.coordinates]#points with the correct rotation direction if len(rotlist)>0: #we want the one closest to the prefered coordinates #TODO prevent loop movements #meh (see other comment about it) chosenCoordinate = min(rotlist, key=lambda point: Distance(point,preferedCoordinate)) chosen =True else: rot = -rot attempts+=1 if not chosen: #can this occur? raise Exception #I have no inspiratino right now if not chosenCoordinate in movements[0]: print "I'm going yellow" self.__previousCoordinates = self.coordinates self.coordinates=chosenCoordinate self.direction = (self.coordinates[0]-self.__previousCoordinates[0],self.coordinates[1]-self.__previousCoordinates[1]) elif self.__task == "Return": #due to the randomnes in the algorithm for foraging, we need to do some extra work to keep the group together #the idea is as follows: #whenever a choice needs to be made (based on randomnes), the first robot to "think" makes the choice #this robots than puts a local message out, so that all the robots within a small radius, say self.speed, make the same decision #to prevent miscommunication, all local messages are deleted after the execution of update() #if a local message is recieved, attempt to obey it #else try to go to the CZ #if that's not possible, choose a direction and send that direction as a local message if self.__localMessage: direction = self.pickDirection(self.__localMessage, self.coordinates) #take the coordinate closest to direction if self.coordinates not in movements[1]: preferedCoordinate = min( [coord for coord in movements[0] if coord not in movements[1]] ,key=lambda x:Distance(x,direction) )#it is important now to not get into another pile else: preferedCoordinate = min(movements[0], key=lambda x: Distance(x,direction)) #this might go verry badly #nope self.__previousCoordinates = self.coordinates self.coordinates = preferedCoordinate self.direction = (self.coordinates[0]-self.__previousCoordinates[0],self.coordinates[1]-self.__previousCoordinates[1]) else: preferedDirection = self.pickDirection(self.__goal, self.coordinates) preferedCoordinate = self.pickCoordinates(preferedDirection, movements[0]) if preferedCoordinate and not preferedCoordinate in movements[1]:#it is important now that we don't accidentaly go into another pile self.__previousCoordinates = self.coordinates self.coordinates = preferedCoordinate self.direction = (self.coordinates[0]-self.__previousCoordinates[0],self.coordinates[1]-self.__previousCoordinates[1]) else: # a choice needs to be made rot = random.choice((-1,1)) preferedCoordinate = self.pickCoordinates( self.pickDirection(self.__goal,self.coordinates), movements[2]) #Where we would have wanted to go if not preferedCoordinate: print "no prefered coordinate in return" print self.pickDirection(self.__goal,self.coordinates) print self.__goal attempts=1 chosen=False while attempts<3 and not chosen: rotlist = [ point for point in movements[0] if ((point[0]-self.coordinates[0])*(preferedCoordinate[1]-self.coordinates[1]) -\ (point[1]-self.coordinates[1])*(preferedCoordinate[0]-self.coordinates[0]))*rot>0\ and point!=self.coordinates]# points with the correct rotation direction if len(rotlist)>0: #we want the one closest to the prefered coordinates #TODO prevent loop movements #meh, doesn't seem to be necessary (would only occur in very nasty situations chosenCoordinate = min(rotlist, key=lambda point: Distance(point,preferedCoordinate)) chosen =True else: rot = -rot attempts+=1 if not chosen: #can this occur? raise Exception #I have no inspiratino right now, self.speed, chosenCoordinate, self.__lastID) #finetuning: radius might need to be finetuned # meh self.__previousCoordinates = self.coordinates self.coordinates=chosenCoordinate self.direction = (self.coordinates[0]-self.__previousCoordinates[0],self.coordinates[1]-self.__previousCoordinates[1]) elif self.__task == "Search": if not self.direction or self.direction==(0,0): newdirection = self.chooseRandomDirection(movements[0]) self.direction = (newdirection[0]-self.coordinates[0], newdirection[1]-self.coordinates[1]) if extremeDebug: print "had no direction, so chose "+str(self.direction) #except IndexError: # self.direction = self.chooseRandomDirection(movements[2]) #wait... this shouldn't be possible #try to go in self.direction #if that isn't possible, choose a different direction #whenever a pile is encountred, add it to the blackboard and go to the pile if movements[1]: #there is a pile that can be reached #we assume the robots can see the size of a pile #we assume that the robot can see what pile what point belongs to if extremeDebug: print "could reach piles at "+str(len(movements[1]))+" coordinates" pilesInReach =[1]) #we want to add only those piles that aren't already in the blackboard newPiles = [pile for pile in pilesInReach if pile not in[p["coordinates"] for p in])] #this is ugly and inefficient if newPiles:#non empty newcoord=[] for pile in newPiles: nc = random.choice([coord for coord in movements[1] if pile.isAt((coord,))]){ "coordinates":nc, "pheromones":self.__dropPile(0,pile.pileSize(),pile.pileVictims()) }) newcoord.append(nc) if not print "wrong bbelem added" raise Exception #USE #just pick a coordinate in view for the pile and add {coordinate, pheromones} to the blackboard #now that all new piles are added to the blackboard, let's go to one of them chosenCoordinate = random.choice(newcoord) self.__previousCoordinates = self.coordinates self.coordinates=chosenCoordinate self.direction = (self.__previousCoordinates[0]-self.coordinates[0], self.__previousCoordinates[1]-self.coordinates[1]) #mirrored direction else: #no new piles #see if any of the coordinates are already on the blackboard blackboardOptions = [bbelem for bbelem in if bbelem["coordinates"] in movements[1]] if blackboardOptions:#nonempty choice = random.choice(blackboardOptions) choice["pheromones"] = self.__dropPile( choice["pheromones"],["coordinates"]),["coordinates"])) self.__previousCoordinates = self.coordinates self.coordinates = choice["coordinates"] self.direction = (self.__previousCoordinates[0]-self.coordinates[0], self.__previousCoordinates[1]-self.coordinates[1]) #mirrored direction else: #so no of the pile points we can reach are on the blackboard. W #there are two main options for action: #the first is to choose one of the piles and head for the point in the pile that is in the blackboard #the downside is that that might be verry inefficient #the other is to add a new point to the blackboard #the downside to that is that the same pile will now be in the blackboard more than once #we'll take the second approach since it kinda makes more sence in the case of large piles #we'll do this to only one of the piles though, to prevent enormous growth of the blackboard pileChoice = random.choice(pilesInReach) reachable = [coord for coord in movements[1] if pileChoice.isAt((coord,))] nc = random.choice(reachable){ "coordinates":nc, "pheromones":self.__dropPile(0,pileChoice.pileSize(),pileChoice.pileVictims()) }) if not print "wrong bbelem added" raise Exception self.__previousCoordinates = self.coordinates self.coordinates = nc self.direction = (self.__previousCoordinates[0]-self.coordinates[0], self.__previousCoordinates[1]-self.coordinates[1]) #mirrored direction else: #no piles can be reached in one step, so try continuing in a straight line. If this fails, pick a random direction that can be moved in. preferedCoordinate = self.pickCoordinates( self.pickDirection( (self.coordinates[0]+self.direction[0], self.coordinates[1]+self.direction[1]), self.coordinates), movements[0] ) if extremeDebug: print "pref coord 1 "+str(preferedCoordinate) print "with direction "+ str(self.direction)\ +" and coordinates "+str(self.coordinates) if preferedCoordinate: self.__previousCoordinates = self.coordinates self.coordinates = preferedCoordinate self.direction = (self.coordinates[0]-self.__previousCoordinates[0],self.coordinates[1]-self.__previousCoordinates[1]) if extremeDebug: print "went to that" else: if extremeDebug: print "so didn't go for that" self.__previousCoordinates = self.coordinates self.coordinates = random.choice( [coord for coord in movements[0] if Distance(self.coordinates, coord)>= self.speed-2 ])#pick a random direction we can go in self.direction = self.direction = (self.coordinates[0]-self.__previousCoordinates[0],self.coordinates[1]-self.__previousCoordinates[1]) if extremeDebug: print "but went for "+str(self.coordinates)\ +" wo I now have direction "+ str(self.direction) if self.coordinates not in movements[0]: print "went yellow on search" #for debugging: #newmovements= #if extremeDebug: print "now the new movements are "+ str(newmovements) #if not newmovements[0]: # print "magic happned at search" self.__localMessage = None #clear the local message #print "new coordinates are "+ str(self.coordinates) def runSimulation(size=(500, 500), cz=(0,0), nRobots=100, piles=[((100,200), (130,240), [1,1,6,3,1,10, 20, 11, 30],0), ((350,71), (400,120), [30,1,20,3,31,16, 12, 22],30000), ((0,300),(100, 360),[21,24,33,2,32,33,34,35],3)], obstacles=[((100,100),(200,200)), ((30,100),(40,200)),((300,300),(340, 320))], evaporatePile = lambda x:.90*x, dropPile = lambda x,y,z:x+.05*y*(z/10.+.1), treshold = lambda x: min(1,10-x), goalSwitch = 0, distance1=lambda x:1, distance2=lambda x:1, searchChoice = lambda bblen, nrob: min((10.*bblen)/(2*nrob),1), l=2, speed=6, waitingtime = 100): done = False #it = 0 simulation = AO(size=size, cz=cz, nRobots=nRobots, piles=piles, obstacles=obstacles, evaporatePile=evaporatePile, dropPile=dropPile, treshold=treshold, l=l, speed=speed, distance1=distance1, distance2=distance2, goalSwitch = goalSwitch) while not done: try : if not simulation.update(): done = True except IndexError: return simulation #if not graphics: # it +=1 # print it #pygame.time.wait(waitingtime) #pygame.quit() return simulation if __name__=="__main__": import settings import os def runner(num=1): researchData=[] for i in range(num): simulation = runSimulation( size = settings.size, cz =, nRobots = settings.nRobots, piles = settings.piles, obstacles = settings.obstacles, evaporatePile = settings.evaporatePile, dropPile = settings.dropPile, treshold = settings.treshold, l = settings.l, distance1 = settings.distance1, distance2 = settings.distance2, speed = settings.speed, goalSwitch = settings.goalSwitch) #run the simulation to obtain researchData researchData.append(simulation.researchData)# the stuff we're interested in #output everything to the file location try: f=open("./results/""./results")))+".py", "w") f.write("data = "+repr(researchData)) f.close() return True except IOError: return False #pool = multiprocessing.Pool(10), ["output"+str(i)+".py" for i in range(10)]) runner()
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