PRE2023 3 Group3

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Group members

Name Student ID Current Study Programme
Patryk Stefanski 1830872 CSE
Raul Sanchez Flores 1844512 CSE
Briana Isaila 1785923 CSE
Raul Hernandez Lopez 1833197 CSE
Ilie Rareş Alexandru 1805975 CSE
Ania Barbulescu 1823612 CSE

Problem statement and objectives

The main problem that the team is trying to tackle is lake/river pollution. Numerous other robots have been designed to deal with this issue, but most of them are large and look out of place. Moreover, these robots are scaring away animals that live in this habitat. The robot that we pitch, is a water-cleaning robot, capable of removing plastic from lakes, while also fitting in with the environment and not disturbing or harming the animals of the area. hello hiello sefsdf

Our objectives:

  • Reduce lake pollution
  • Maximise robot efficiency and operating time
  • Have a robot that fits in with the environment by having a harmonious design

Who are the users?

Users will be:

- TU/e

- TU/e campus management

- TU/e students and campus visitors


- A CAD model of the robot, showcasing all the sensors, motors, solar panels and other components it will need to function, as well as its design.

- This Wiki page, which will serve as documentation for the design process behind the design and development of the robot.

- A presentation highlighting the most important aspects of the report as well as the design of the robot.

- A survey taken from people around the TU/e campus and an analysis of the responses to it in order to verify if potential users see the problem we are trying to solve (polluted water) as one of importance to them.


Week 1 Week 2 Week 3 Week 4 Week 5 Week 6 Week 7
- Brainstorming

- Working on the outline of the wiki

- Researching similar already existing robots

- Starting on the CAD model in

Fusion and settling on a general shape

-Researching collection mechanisms

- Create and design survey

- Looking into sensors and solar panels

- implementing collection mechanism in Fusion

- Conduct survey

- Researching AI and code

that could be used for the robot

- Implementing sensors and solar panels in Fusion model

- Analyze and discuss results of survey

- Finishing up on the programming research + state machine

- Finishing second robot prototype in CAD

- Write conclusions established from survey

- Starting on the final presentation

- Finishing up the CAD

- Finishing up final presentation

- Finishing up and adjusting the wiki

Swan idea.webp


Individual effort

Break-down of hours Total Hours Spend
Week 1 Patryk Stefanski Attended kick-off (2h), Research into subject idea (2h), Reading Literature (2h), Updating wiki (1h) 7
Raul Sanchez Flores Attended kick-off (2h) 2
Briana Isaila Attended kick-off (2h) 2
Raul Hernandez Lopez
Ilie Rareş Alexandru
Ania Barbulescu Attended kick-off (2h) 2
Week 2 Patryk Stefanski Meeting with tutors (0.5h), Researched and found contact person who maintains Dommel (1h), Group meeting Thursday (1.5h), Created list of possible deliverables (1h) 4
Raul Sanchez Flores Meeting with tutors (0.5h), Group meeting Thursday (1.5h) 2
Briana Isaila Group meeting Thursday (1.5h) 1.5
Raul Hernandez Lopez Meeting with tutors (0.5h), Group meeting Thursday (1.5h) 2
Ilie Rareş Alexandru Meeting with tutors (0.5h), Group meeting Thursday (1.5h) 2
Ania Barbulescu