R. Van Ham, B. Vanderborght, M. Van Damme, B. Verrelst and D. Lefeber (2006). "MACCEPA: the mechanically adjustable compliance and controllable equilibrium position actuator for 'controlled passive walking'

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Main idea

Robots can be stiff and rigid, but that is not the only option that one has when creating a robot. In order to make robots move more human-like, a mechanism is introduced where actuators with "adaptive compliance" are created tested:

  • “Nowadays, more and more research groups working on bipeds have started to believe that natural biped walking is a combination of both approaches, requiring actuators with adaptable compliance (inverse of stiffness), resulting in energy efficient walking at different speeds.”
  • “Human joints are actuated by at least two muscle groups, giving them the possibility to change the stiffness of a joint and to control the equilibrium position. By controlling both the compliance and the equilibrium positions, a variety of natural motions is possible, requiring a minimal energy input to the system.”


This approach is was created in order to achieve three main goals, namely:

  • better energy efficiency
  • better control over the force of robot "actions"
  • better balance

Previous research

The paper then mentions some of the leading research regarding designs of adaptive compliance combined with actuators: University of Pisa, Italy, [1] the Variable Stiffness Actuator (VIA), Georgia Institute of Technology, USA, [2] a Biologically Inspired Joint Stiffness Control, North-western University, MARIONET [3]. These all describe mechanisms that use some elastic component to achieve features like human/animal joints.

Actuator shape

Image actuator 1212.png