Embedded Motion Control 2013 Group 7

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Approach to be used:

Strategy -> Software architecture -> Work division -> Test

Group members

Jordy Senden, 0716539, j.p.f.senden@student.tue.nl, Mechanical Engineering, NL

Erik van Broekhoven, 0637413, e.c.v.broekhoven@student.tue.nl, Mechanical Engineering, NL

Luigi Corvino, 138588, l.corvino@student.tue.nl, Mechatronics Engineering, IT

Martin Huberland, 131492, m.huberland@student.tue.nl, Mechanical Engineering, BE

Marcello Di Giandomenico, 138554, m.digiandomenico@student.tue.nl, Mechatronics Engineering, IT

Tutor: Jos Elfring

Meeting #1 - 9/9/2013


  • Introducing with group members (Background, C-knowledge)
  • Installed required software / solved software issues
  • Refreshing C language knowledge
  • Started to work on the tutorials
  • Set-up a meeting with our tutor

  • Set standard meeting days on monday and thursday afternoon

Meeting #2 - 12/9/2013

  • Meeting with our tutor
  • Installed gazebo software
  • Solved remaining software issues

To do before next meeting: read the ROS concepts on the EMC website.

Meeting #3 - 16/9/2013

  • Thinking about strategies for the corridor competition

Meeting #4 - 18/9/2013

  • Concluded the work on the strategy
  • Started implementing some basic functionalities
  • RECAP 18/9/2013

Meeting #5 - 30/9/2013

  • Decide once for all the modular software architecture
    • Choose modules, nodes, inputs and outputs to split the work (30/9)
    • Think about a initialization function that corrects PICO's orientation.
    • Think about a function that restores the motion after an avoided collision from the safety measures.
  • Choose the maze solving strategy
    • Choose between the simplest approach, i.e. right wall following, and the most complex one, SLAM.
  • Split up the group according to the required functionalities of PICO

Meeting #6 - 7/10/2013

  • Started working on new line detection algorithm
  • Started working on image acquisition
  • Started working on decision making node

Meeting #7 - 14/10/2013

  • Tried to combine the three different nodes
  • Solve the problems due to functions overlapping and make the first tests on Gazebo
  • Definition of the new wall-following and safety-condition functions
  • Organization of the last details before the next test on Pico


Corridor competition

For the corridor we decided to develop a simple code, possibly recyclable for the maze navigation. This deadline is a required step in order to really get our hands dirty and acquire some familiarity with C++ programming and ROS.

It's imperative for the robot to stay approximately in the middle of the corridor, which has been divided into a safe zone and a dangerous zone. PICO compares two distances measured from the laser scans and based on their difference it corrects its orientation by rotating to the left or to the right. During this rotation a small forward velocity is fed to the base in order to get a smooth movement. When he detects the exit, he starts the turning maneuver.

At first, the turning was composed by both linear and angular displacements, but in the end we decided to change our turning method. The exit detection algorithm remained the same, while the turning maneuver changed into a turn on the spot movement as the previous one's success ratio wasn't so high: it was common for PICO to hit the walls if the corridor was too narrow, since the turn was a simple open loop one. Comparing the scan ranges, PICO is able to compute the distance to the exit center and the exit amplitude, so we use some counters in the code in order to define exactly the time needed to reach the wanted position by sending appropriate calibrated veocity commands. In this way PICO's movements depend on the environment and should not allow him to hit the walls.

The Competition(25/09)

We used our "safe" code: not the fastest, but we were nearly sure that PICO would find the exit. In fact, he managed to within 38 seconds. This gave us the 4th place. Unfortunately we had no time to test efficiently the code on PICO in order to achieve higher velocities. We still have a lot of work to do, but this result was really encouraging. Here is a little view of the competition: https://vimeo.com/75465839. A remark has to be done, though: we won't share our beers with PICO anymore. As it's clearly visible from the video, he was drunk.

Maybe the fault is ours, since the wall following algorithm has to be improved!

Corridor competition.jpg

Maze solving

After the corridor competition we decided to spend one week trying the different solutions proposed during a brainstorming. In order to solve the maze, two main different approaches can be used: a complex one, involving real time map building, localization and path planning, and a simple one, involving wall following and easy decision making.

For the first approach, different tools already exist: for instance, rviz+Navigation stack. Jazz robot comes with complete compatibility with ROS. For further information: Gostai Open Jazz.

In the beginning, for the second approach we thought about developing the corridor competition strategy, but after some work on it we understood that is really difficult to achieve our goal in this way, in fact in the maze there are different configurations to be aware of, and using this code everything can be compromised by the smallest error. Our exit detection needs to scan the next wall with a 30° angle at least and so cannot be accurate because of the various wall lenghts and gaps.

The simplest, but quite efficient strategy (on paper) we decided to adopt is the right wall following with the aid of camera's arrow detection. This won't let us achieve the fastest time in the final competition, but has a certain robustness (the maze has no islands, and following the right wall will lead PICO to the exit for sure, in absence of failures) and it's easier to implement, thus avoiding waste of time and resources in trying to understand difficult concepts about SLAM.

We opted to use a modular structure with different ROS nodes (see Software architecture). In this way, we can focus on basic programming problems and on software modularity. We decided to use four ROS nodes even if some say that this is not useful, not because we want to complicate our job but to help us understand how ROS nodes work. Basically, our robot must be able to detect different types of junctions and move accordingly. The goal is thus very simple at first glance, and could be handled by using a "blind navigation" approach towards the environment (the walls), consisting in reading the local information about the surroundings with the laser and acquiring and processing images to help PICO find his way. Solving algorithms, like Trémaux, will be implemented only if we have time.

Writing the code, we realized that the number of nodes could be reduced. We decided to keep the decision making node, a.k.a. the brain, alongside the line/corner detection node and the image processing node.

Line/corner detection node



Brain node

This node merges the information sent by camera topic and from the line detection node so to turn in the right way. In order to stay in the center of the corridor the brain tries to keep the difference betweeen the right and left radius from the line detected as low as possible.

In a first time we opted for this flow-chart scheme, but when we started to implement it we realize that was too untidy for our purposes and we changed to an easier pseudo-code, focused in exploiting as much as possible our line detection algorithm. In this original algorithm the priority was to read the camera information; if there's none, turn right if possible. In case of dead end, turn 180° and keep following the right wall.


In the new approach, PICO always follows the right wall, until he detects an opening in the corridor. This is possible by reading the boolean data sent from the line detection node: one to stop and three for the junctions.

  • cross=true when PICO reaches the center of a cross junction, thanks to the line detection data we can manage to stop in the center of the corridor, and then decide where to go.
  • left,up,right=true when PICO recognizes an opening in the specified direction.

After elaborating all these data PICO can decide where to turn, always in agreement with the right wall following. Only in the T-junction case PICO has to check the directives coming from the camera topic.

Filling a matrix with the possibles case PICO can easy understand where is possible to go: Slide1.jpg

The lines node also send one more boolean variable for the safety condition:

  • drive=true Pico can drive because is in a safety zone.

Also the scan ranges needed for the wall following and the dead end zone are sent from the lines node, these are an avarage of the North, Right and Left scan.

  • The turning function is the same of the corridor competition: a time counter with a loop that allows to achieve the desired angle with the selected velocity, thus 90° for normal turning and 180° when PICO is in a dead-end point.
  • The wall following function has been recycled from the corridor competition and has to be improved if possible.

Arrows detection



Software architecture

A first rough structure of our software can be represented in the following image:


We decided to change it and reduce the number of nodes, since not all of them are strictly necessary. We defined our custom messages as well.


We still have to test the efficiency of such a system.

Work division

We decided to divide the work such that noone wastes important time.

  • Eric -> Image acquisition, Camera and everything concerned with the arrow detection
  • Jordi -> Line detection algorithm and Junction recognition
  • Martin -> Line detection algorithm and Junction recognition
  • Marcello -> Software architecture, inputs/outputs, custom messages, nodes
  • Luigi -> working on previous algorithm, brain node and taking exit using the Right Wall following method


First test (19/9)

Experiments are performed on PICO, however the testing did not go as planned. PICO had to be resetted sometimes and did not respond to our commands as expected. The data shown in the terminal however, did show the proper values while running.

Second test (20/19)

We experienced again some connection issues. We were able to move the robot, and again some delay seemed to occur. The discharged batteries have put a premature end to our tests.

Third test (24/9)

We had 15 minutes to verify our new code, developed in a few hours of this very day, that allows PICO to turn on the spot. Everything worked fine, but improvements have to be made to get a more robust algorithm and, most of all, a fastest one: the turning maneuver is too slow.

Fourth test (11/10)

In this test we used the ROS record function in order to check in different situations what PICO can elaborate from his sensors and from the camera thanks to our line detection and arrow detection algorithm. We recorded in various .bag files the only three topics in which we were interested: camera,laser and odom. Now we can work in this week-end to improve our codes with the real data.

Possible Problems

During our real tests and the simulations we realize that something can always go wrong. Even though we try to achieve a very efficient robustness the robot can behave in an unexpected way. Some noticeable examples are related to the Pico's movements, they don't correspond exactly to our commands, probably this is because of the friction of the wheels and the non-idealities of the environment. We computed how to turn accurately to 90° and 180° using the command velocity, anyway we obtain often an error of about 2 degrees. We are not able to control this imprecision with our functions so we decided to overcome it only after the turning function has been completed using the wall-following function.

A different issue is due to the safety condition. We don't want Pico to crash against the wall, so for emergency cases we need it to stop. We have not handled yet how to solve this problem, so how to make Pico come back in a reasonable position to continue his path. Unfortunately when Pico is so close to the walls, situation that normally doesn't have to happen using our wall-following function, Pico suddenly stop and finish his run! We hope that Pico will not need to use this safety function!

The first three loop scan_ranges give back only 0 values. Actually we don't know why and we decided to exclude these values from some functions, like the turning 180 for the dead end because they were overlapping its operations. Always regarding the scan ranges we don't use the first and last 30 scans of every loop because the first 7 laser scan hit Pico's body and overcome our working, we decided to discard other few values to maintain a certain security extent.

After combining the brain and lines nodes we discover to have various problems, the two nodes overlapped with different decisions at the same time, this happened during the turning and cross detection. We managed to overcome these problems sending back from the brain some messages to the lines such that this last node can understand at which point of the brain code we are.


Wall following algorithm