RoPod/Tutorials/GAZEBO installation and interface with ROS
GAZEBO is a set of ROS packages that provide the necessary interfaces to simulate a robot in the Gazebo 3D rigid body simulator for robots. It integrates with ROS using ROS messages, services and dynamic reconfigure.
Install gazebo (versions 7.x are compatible with ROS kinetic):
curl -ssL | sh
Install gazebo_ros_pkgs and some extra packages needed to run the basis ropod model
sudo apt-get install ros-kinetic-gazebo-ros-pkgs ros-kinetic-gazebo-dev ros-kinetic-gazebo-plugins ros-kinetic-gazebo-ros libgazebo7-dev libgazebo7 libignition-math2 libsdformat4 sudo apt-get install ros-kinetic-gazebo-ros-control sudo apt install ros-kinetic-joint-state-controller sudo apt install ros-kinetic-effort-controllers sudo apt-get install ros-kinetic-openni2-camera ros-kinetic-openni2-launch
Get familiar with ROS and with the catkin_make way of working:
Now we will install existing ROS and gazebo files that will allow to perform simulations of the ropod
Ensure you configured GitHub and you have downloaded the repository: See tutorial
Now you are ready to start the ropod_gazebo model plus the ROS packages to interact with it.
The first time you install the files in your computer be sure that the folders ‘build’ and ‘devel’ are removed, as well as the file src/Cmakelists.txt
Then, on the main directory level, run a cmake command to generate the executable files
You can run the alias
to do all these actions at once. If you just downloaded the repository, ensure you do this from a new terminal! You can safe time the next time you do this by running the command
In this case, the folders /build, /devel and the /src/CMakeLists.txt-file are not removed.
Then, we can launch the ropod gazebo model, which is already connected with ROS
roslaunch ropod_gazebo ropod_world.launch
Get familiar with the data being published, the nodes, etc. See ROS tutorials
Faster startup of Gazebo
As you might notice, it can take quite a while before gazebo is loaded. This is caused by loading several models from the gazebo-repository. You can prevent this as follows:
- Go to the directory where gazebo is installed
cd /usr/share/gazebo-<your gazebo version>
- Open in an editor as a super user
- replace the line
Now, Gazebo should be loaded much faster by loading it from a new terminal.
Be careful with this: models from standard tools, such as depth-camera's, can be found in this library. By replacing this line, you can not add them by default any more, but you should download these files yourself and add them to your local library.
Matlab and GAZEBO interface via ROS
Open the file ropod_controller.slx. Before executing the simulink model, launch the ropod_gazebo model.
Now you are ready to start simulating your own controller.