PRE2024 1 Group1:

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Group members
Name Student Number Study
Naomi Han 0986672 CS
Gijs Kruize 1656882 CS
Tom de Leeuw 1893904 PT
Morgan van Tilburg 1557947 EE

Problem statement (needs edits) 

With the rapid growth in all kinds of technological fields, such as AI and engineering in cars, there is a large shortage of people with a career in technology[1]. A lot of young people do not choose for a career in technology[2]. This is partially because there is no proper introduction to technology in the education of young children.

Users/Stakeholders (needs editing and revisions)

There are several stakeholders for the end product of this project. The children that will interact with the simplified programming language are the first major stakeholder. Further, there are the parents of the children, as well as the teachers. Another important stakeholder are technical universities and large tech companies. Lastly there is the education system.  

The children

The primary user of this technology are the children that use the product. They will need a safe and challenging learning environment for them to engage in. The product has to be interesting and fun for them, so they will pay attention to the subjects that are taught. On top of that, the product should be at a level that they can understand. The primary goal of the product is to give the children a gentile introduction to the world of programming and robotics.  

The parents

The most important aspect of the product for the parents is that their children are safe. The children should not be exposed to dangerous elements in the product, such as small parts, lose wires and fast spinning motors they can get stuck in. Further, when there is an online environment in the product, their children's data should be stored in a safe space, so their data is not all over the internet. The second most important thing for the parents is that their children are actually learning something, and they get their money’s worth.


The product should be easily integrated into the existing educational program, in order to reduce the amount of work for the teachers. Further, the product should be engaging for the student and have different difficulty levels to fulfill the individual needs of every student. On top of that, the product should be intuitive to understand for the teachers so they can answer possible questions that the students may have. This can be achieved by making a teacher’s guide that explains the program in detail.  

Technical universities and large tech companies

The program is meant to encourage young children to pick a technological career path. This is done by introducing them to technology and its many different aspects at an early age. Technical universities and large tech companies have a major interest in the possible outcome of this project, since they are the ones who benefit the most.  

Educational system

The educational system is the main stakeholder that decides if the product is suited for the current educational program.  Again, the project should be easily integrated into the exiting educational format. Also for this stakeholder, the product has to be properly tested on classes in an ethically correct environment.

Final Product

Our final product will consist of a teaching package designed as an introductory course consisting of 2 to 3 lessons that integrate an online coding environment, a physical robot, and a comprehensive teacher manual. The curriculum will use a simplified text-based programming language, rather than a block-based one, to offer a more authentic coding experience. To make the learning process approachable for beginners, the language will include predefined functions that will gradually become less predefined in each lesson, encouraging students to take on more coding responsibilities. Each lesson will focus on key skills such as debugging, completing existing code, and writing code independently.

The inclusion of a physical robot is a deliberate choice, as it provides a tangible way to visualize the code's impact, making abstract concepts more accessible. This hands-on approach also serves as an effective method for students to learn debugging by observing the robot’s actions and correcting their code accordingly. Additionally, we will develop a coding manual tailored to the needs of teachers, particularly those who may not be familiar with coding. The manual will include clear, step-by-step instructions and explanations to ensure that teachers can confidently guide their students through the lessons.

Summary of papers week 1

An Evaluation Framework and Comparative Analysis of the Widely Used First Programming Languages[3]

This paper looks at a framework to assess the suitability of widely used first programming languages (FPLs), where they consider both technical and environmental factors. This study doesn’t find a perfect language that meets all their criteria. Their framework, however, can guide educators in making an informed decision about which FPL to pick.

Non-Native English Speakers Learning Computer Programming: Barriers, Desires, and Design Opportunities[4]

In this paper, the challenges of non-native English speakers in learning computer programming are described. They found that non-native English speakers struggle with reading and writing code, understanding technical materials, and simultaneously learning both English and programming. The paper recommends that a learner-centred approach be taken for these non-native speakers. This should incorporate bilingual programming tools, more visual aids, culturally neutral examples and simplified English.

Teaching Coding to Children: A Methodology for Kids 5+[5]

This paper talks about teaching kids how to code and which parts of coding are essential to learn first. There are already methods for learning kids programming like Scratch and Tynkers but these would lack comprehensive methodologies for effectively teaching fundamental coding concepts. The paper suggest to start the learning process with algorithms, loops and if-conditionals.

Transitioning from Block-Based to Text-Based Programming Languages[6]

This paper looks at what happens at the switch from block-based programming to text-based programming languages. It describes how block-based languages lower the barrier to learning programming since they eliminate syntax complexities. Transitioning from a block-based language to a text-based language comes with challenges like reduced confidence and incorrect programming habits. Which in return might discourage students from using syntax-heavy languages.  They would recommend letting block-based programming languages have a form of automatic syntax placement so it would automatically teach syntax.

Visual programming languages integrated across the curriculum in elementary school: A two year case study using “Scratch” in five schools[7]

This study follows 107 primary school students using a programming language called Scratch for 2 years. This research demonstrates that the implementation of creative computing showed that using a visual programming language (VPL) actively improves a student’s grasp of programming concepts, logic, and computational practices. It highlights that students effectively learned about sequences, loops, parallelism, and events in programming.

Programming experience promotes higher STEM motivation among first-grade girls [8]

In this paper demonstrates that early exposure to programming can significantly boost girls interest in tecnology-related fields like computer science and engineering. The study found that only a brief experience with programming robots reduced the gender gap in technology motivation. It however didn't alter existing gender stereotypes about programming and robotics.  

The Effects of Gender Role Stereotypes in Digital Learning Games on Motivation for STEM Achievement[9]

This study investigated how different gender depictions of a scientist in digital learning games affect STEM-based learning motivations among various age groups. It found that younger children were more affected by the traditional view of scientists, very masculine men and less feminine women. Older children were influenced more by the sex of the scientist. According to the study, personalising characters in these games might help lessen the impact of these stereotypes while also increasing interest in STEM disciplines among kids from diverse backgrounds.

Reference list

  1. Engelhardt, A. (2023, July 21). Shortage of skilled workers in mechanical engineering. Encoway.
  2. Edgar, G. (2022, March 8). Why young people are being put off a career in tech - Diversity in Tech. Diversity in Tech.
  3. Farooq, M. S., Khan, S. A., Ahmad, F., Islam, S., & Abid, A. (2014). An evaluation framework and comparative analysis of the widely used first programming languages. PLoS ONE, 9(2), e88941.
  4. Guo, P. J. (2018). Non-Native English speakers learning computer programming. CHI ’18: Proceedings of the 2018 CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems.
  5. Kaplancali, U. T. (2017). Teaching Coding to Children: A Methodology for Kids 5+. International Journal of Elementary Education, 6(4), 32.
  6. Moors, L., Luxton-Reilly, A., & Denny, P. (2018). Transitioning from Block-Based to Text-Based Programming Languages. 2018 International Conference on Learning and Teaching in Computing and Engineering (LaTICE).
  7. Sáez-López, J., Román-González, M., & Vázquez-Cano, E. (2016). Visual programming languages integrated across the curriculum in elementary school: A two year case study using “Scratch” in five schools. Computers & Education, 97, 129–141.
  8. Master, A., Cheryan, S., Moscatelli, A., & Meltzoff, A. N. (2017). Programming experience promotes higher STEM motivation among first-grade girls. Journal of Experimental Child Psychology, 160, 92–106.
  9. Hawkins, I., Ratan, R., Blair, D., & Fordham, J. (2019). The effects of gender role stereotypes in digital learning games on motivation for STEM achievement. Journal of Science Education and Technology, 28(6), 628–637.