Mobile Robot Control 2024 Rosey

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Group members:

Name student ID
Tessa Janssen 1503782
Jose Puig Talavera 2011174
Ruben Dragt 1511386
Thijs Beurskens 1310909
Pablo Ruiz Beltri 2005611
Riccardo Dalferro Nucci 2030039

Week 1 - Don't crash code:

Exercise 1 - The art of not crashing.

Methods of not crashing:

Tessa Janssen

*Insert description of method here*

*Add screencapture of code*

Jose Puig Talavera

*Insert description of method here*

*Add screencapture of code*

Ruben Dragt

*Insert description of method here*

*Add screencapture of code*

Thijs Beurskens

*Insert description of method here*

*Add screencapture of code*

Pablo Ruiz Beltri

*Insert description of method here*

*Add screencapture of code*

Riccardo Dalferro Nucci

*Insert description of method here*

*Add screencapture of code*

Exercise 2 - Testing your don't crash.

Findings after testing the code on both Hero and Coco:

Week 2 - Local navigation:

Local navigation 1 - Vector field histogram:
Thijs Beurskens
Pablo Ruiz Beltri
Riccardo Dalferro Nucci
Local navigation 2 - Attraction/Repulsion vector potential field:
Tessa Janssen
Jose Puig Talavera
Ruben Dragt