Mobile Robot Control 2023 HAL-9000

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Group members:

Name student ID
Xingyi Li 1820443
Alexander De Pauw 1877267
Timo van Gerwen 1321854
Yuzhou Nie 1863428
Ronghui Li 1707183
Guglielmo Morselli 1959301

Design Presentation:

Tasks Divide:

Data-flow Diagram& State Diagram:


Towards Final Challenge

Introduction (Ronghui)

// introduction of challenge

Strategy (Timo)

// What do we aim for and how do we want to do it

// Table sequence


// algorithms used for the separate blocks

Global path planning - A* (Alex)

// A* algorithm

Local path planning - Artificial Potential Field (Xingyi & Guglielmo)

// APF

Localization - Particle filter (Yuzhou)

// Particle filter

Integration (Xingyi & Guglielmo)

// How we have combined the blocks

Performance (Ronghui)

// Explain what performance is reached

// Include simulation vs final challenge test


// What did not work


// Conclusions on project

Recommendations (Timo)

// Recommendations and next steps

openDoor function