Retake Embedded Motion Control 2018 Nr1
Retake Albu, T.F.
R1. The robot will start by searching for the POI.
R2. The robot will follow the POI.
R3. The robot will filter out another person, even if it comes close to POI, but not between the POI and the robot.
R4. If the contact with the POI is lost, the robot will search for POI with the same procedure as at start.
A1. POI will move with a speed less than 0.5m/s.
Design Decisions:
D1. In order to find the POI, the robot will scan 2 times 180 degrees, and will parse the information. The robot shall rotate until it detect the 2 legs of the POI in the range 0.2m-1m, after that it will move at the "watching" position -- a central position at 0.4m behind the POI, facing it.
D2. The "watching" position is calculated as follows:
- the robot detects the 2 legs of the POI, and their centers of mass.
D2. In order to filter out