Retake Embedded Motion Control 2018 Nr3
This wiki describes and explains the software that was made for and implemented on the PICO robot to complete the retake of Embedded Motion Control course 2017-2018. The mission of the retake EMC 2018 is describe in the subsection ‘The challenge ‘Follow me!’’.
The robot that is used during the project is PICO. PICO has a holonomic wheelbase with which it can drive, a Laser Range Finder (LRF) from which it can gather information about the environment (blocked/free space) and wheels that are equipped with encoders to provide odometry data. All software that is developed has to be tested on the robot. There is also a simulator available which provides an exact copy of PICO’s functionalities. PICO itself has an on-board computer running Ubuntu 16.04. The programming language that is used during the course and the retake is C++ and Gitlab is used to store the cod