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Determining moment of waking up
From our measurements we've got information about the respiration during your sleep. Out of this information, we get a globel line of of the sleepphase during the night. Out of these line, we've to determine what's the best moment to wake someone between a given interval. The best moment to wake someone is just after the REM-sleep. So this is the first or second nREM-sleep. (see literature). During REM-sleep, the respiration is at his highest point. So we can detect the end of the REM-phase with a declining line. However, during the REM-sleep, the respiration variates a lot (see literature), so we've to sure that a declining line is realy the end of the REM-sleep, and not just the variation during the REM-sleep. This can be done by detecting two or three times a declining line over two-three frames. (two-three frames is around 8-12 minutes).
Room Brightness Control
function that calculates the brightness of sunlight based on the date/time
to-report light[day time] let psi 51.4408 ;; lat. ehv let Gsc 1367 ;; w/m2 solar constant let LC (15 * 1 - 5.4778) / 15 ;; timezone corrected longitude let c 0.21 ;; fraction of extraterrestrial sunlight that reaches ; the surface (clear weather ;; most of the following formulas are from wikipedia, they need to be verified and sourced. let Ext Gsc * (1 + 0.034 * cos(360 / 365 * (day - 2))) ;; day let theta 360 * (day - 1) / 365.242 let d 23.45 * sin(360 * (day + 10) / 365) let eqt 0.258 * cos(theta) - 7.416 * sin(theta) - 3.648 * cos(2 * theta) - 9.228 * sin(2 * theta) let w time + eqt / 60 - LC let as asin(cos((w - 12) / 24 * 360) * cos(psi) * cos(d) + sin(psi) * sin(d)) let Edv Ext * exp(- c / sin(as)) * sin(90 - as) * (max list 0 as) / as report Edv * 93;;lm/w end
Temperature Control
simple model to calculate the room temperature
globals [T k h Tr Ti dT] to setup Clear-all set T T0;; input starting temperature set k -0.03 set h 0.02 set Tr 50 set Ti 12 set dT 0 reset-ticks end to Go ifelse Heater;; Heater = true when the heater is on [set dT h * (Tr - T)] [set dT 0] set T T + k * (T - Ti) + dT tick end