Embedded Motion Control 2015 Group 5

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Group Members

Name: Student id:
Bart van Willigen 0770142
Joost Peters 0747630
Robin Loose 0771575
Koen Bos 0763939
Joost Franssen 0824821
Lotte de Koning 0655209
Marjon 't Klooster 0819200

Corridor challenge







Maze challange

Aligning and centering the robot

In order to center the robot, two laser bundles perpendicular to the robot's driving direction are used to determine the distance to the wall on the left and right side of the robot. Based on the difference between these distances, a lateral velocity is send to the robot, using a proportional controller. This controller drives the robot to the middle of the corridor. To align the robot along the corridor, three laser bundles are used. One laser bundle measures the distance to the wall perpendicular to the driving direction, and two bundles around the perpendicular bundle measure the distance to the wall. When the perpendicular bundle does not measure the smallest distance, a rotational velocity, based on the differences between the other bundles, is sent to the robot.