Embedded Motion Control 2015/FAQ
When you ran into a problem, try to find the solution here first. If it's not here, try to find an answer by googling your problem, asking fellow students, or, as a very last resort, ask your tutor! If you found a solution, please put it here such that others can use it! Try to be as consise yet descriptive as possible, and try to file your Problem-Solution pair under the correct category (or add a new category if necessary).
Just as an example! Please remove this section if you're the first to add a Problem-Solution pair!
My computer is on fire. Is this a bad thing?
Nah, probably not, the fire will soon die out. Be sure though to commit all your changes to the SVN!
Everything related to the OS, but not to our or your software: driver issues, problems with the terminal...
Everything related to the programming language
Everything related to Subversion
Everything related to the robot, how to operate it, how to maintain it...