Week 4
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Terug: PRE_Groep2
Groep meeting met coach
In deze bron staat de Godspeed questionnaire van Bartneck:
Taakverdeling week 4
Suus & Meike
- Eerste vragenblok verbeteren
- Godspeed toevoegen
- Spraakfragmenten op YouTube zetten
- Parameters van Acapelabox opzoeken.
- Poweranalyse --> http://imaging.mrc-cbu.cam.ac.uk/statswiki/FAQ/effectSize
- Parameters van Acapelabox opzoeken.
Zinnen op YouTube
- 0. Hello I am Will! Thank you for joining. Let's see how your typical shower goes. 0. Neutral 0. Happy
- 1. It is such a shame that you choose to behave in this way.
- 2. Yes, that is the way to go!
- 3. You let me down. Please change your behavior.
- 4. That is what I would like to hear!
- 5. I am disappointed that you waste so much water.
- 6. That is fantastic. Keep up the good work!