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# How would you combine the local with the global planning?
# How would you combine the local with the global planning?

Week 3 - Global navigation:
=== Week 3 - Global navigation: ===
===== Global navigation 1 - A* algorithm: =====
===== Global navigation 1 - A* algorithm: =====
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Revision as of 14:02, 20 May 2024

Group members:

Name student ID
Tessa Janssen 1503782
Jose Puig Talavera 2011174
Ruben Dragt 1511386
Thijs Beurskens 1310909
Pablo Ruiz Beltri 2005611
Riccardo Dalferro Nucci 2030039

Week 1 - Don't crash code:

Exercise 1 - The art of not crashing.

Methods of not crashing:

Tessa Janssen

*Insert description of method here*

*Add screencapture of code*

Jose Puig Talavera

*Insert description of method here*

*Add screencapture of code*

Ruben Dragt

*Insert description of method here*

*Add screencapture of code*

Thijs Beurskens

*Insert description of method here*

*Add screencapture of code*

Pablo Ruiz Beltri

*Insert description of method here*

*Add screencapture of code*

Riccardo Dalferro Nucci

*Insert description of method here*

*Add screencapture of code*

Exercise 2 - Testing your don't crash.

Findings after testing the code on both Hero and Coco:

Week 2 - Local navigation:

Local navigation 1 - Vector field histogram:
Group 1
Thijs Beurskens
Pablo Ruiz Beltri
Riccardo Dalferro Nucci
Local navigation 2 - Attraction/Repulsion vector potential field:
Group 2
Tessa Janssen
Jose Puig Talavera
Ruben Dragt

The main idea behind the approach

*Upload screen recording of the simulation*

Comment on observations

Comment on observations

Answer the following questions:

  1. Advantages and Disadvantages of the approach
  2. What could result in failure?
  3. How would you prevent these scenarios from happening?
  4. How would you combine the local with the global planning?

Week 3 - Global navigation:

Global navigation 1 - A* algorithm:
Group 1
Pablo Ruiz Beltri
Riccardo Dalferro Nucci
Ruben Dragt
Global navigation 2 -:
Group 2
Tessa Janssen
Jose Puig Talavera
Thijs Beurskens