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==Notes internal meeting 3==
==Notes internal meeting 3==
#Meeting 3    19-09-2018
Naam besloten;
F.R.E.D. Fast Response Extinguisher Drone
Chiel: Afspraak maken met portugese dude om te kijken naar de drone en kijken wat ding kan en wat er mogelijk is.
Natanya: Slachtofferhulp bellen, brandwonden centrum
Fabian: Afspraak maken met TU brandweer,
Natanya gaat meeting voorbereiden
Dirk en Daan, Planning bijwerken
Groep opgesplitst in 2 delen:
USE        Natanya & Dirk
Technical    Chiel, Fabian & Daan
Interview voor brandweer
Interview voor users
Google slides voor de meeting
Drone specificeren: (Fabian, Daan, Chiel)
Vliegt (autonoom): Chiel
Bij brandalarm (handmelder of automatisch) vliegt naar locatie melder toe, (Fabian)
Heeft infrarood camera: Chiel
kan brand detecteren: Chiel
kan mensen detecteren (eerst nog even niet)
kan brand blussen en hoe lang: Daan
plaatsing in gebouw: Fabian
reactie tijd: Fabian
blus mechanisme handig voor aan drone: Daan
Smart Home: Fabian
Demo specificeren:
Vliegt (bestuurd)
kan gasbrander (bunzenbrander) uitblussen
Use dingetjes:
Propelors afgeschermt (zoals bijv. BlueJay)
Vragen voor brandweer:
Meest gebruikte blusmiddel huis- tuin- en keukenbrandjes.
Lichtste veelgebruikte blusspul?
Hoeveel van dat blusspul heb je nodig voor gemiddelde brandjes (vlam in de pan oid)
Hoelang kan je blussen met zoveel van dat blusspul
Vragen voor brandwondencentrum/ervaringsdeskundigen:
Wat was de situatie?
Hoe is de brand ontstaan?
Waarbij zou u het meest aan hebben gehad?

Revision as of 16:49, 23 September 2018

PRE2018 1 Group1 meeting notes PRE2018_1_Group1


Notes Coach Meeting 1

September 10th meeting room 3 traverse

Problem statement is now very open and short, should this be longer and more specific?
A: It has to be specific enough for you to do something useful with it. At this moment it’s to open.

An question we should ask ourselves: What do we hope to present as a final product for the course? And integrate this in the problem statement.

Two assignments for next week
What do we want to do
USE-project, user requirements should be clear and how they change the design.
An question we should ask ourselves
Which actions are required to reach this?
Answer from group: User analysis, and personas of the users.

For the personas of victims of fires try to find chat rooms or slachtofferhulp for information.

Do we really have to focus on one specific thing and work this out or can we also elaborate some other aspects more theoretical.
A: It’s best to be as specific as possible, most important part of the work is the academic level and the process not the result.

For next week it should be know in what specific direction we will continue the project.

Also next week we should be able to answer what we are going to do in the upcoming weeks.

When you approach the fire brigade make sure there is a good plan what you want to know.

Drones are available for the course, when you have a good plan.

Contact Duarte Antunes for the drones

In english and mention the course and name of lecturer (M.J.G. van de Molengraft)

The why question is very important throughout the entire project and in every meeting. Please don’t feel bad if these questions are asked and you don’t know the answer, just say it if you’re uncomfortable with it.

Last remark: Put everything you have done even if it’s useless on the wiki, at the end of the project there is time to make the wiki readable.

After meeting decisions
Making a plan for the fire brigade and finding all open source information about the project. (Chiel will do this for the next meeting)
Best focus point for the project is autonomous fire extinguishing.

Notes Coach Meeting 2

September 17th meeting room 3 traverse

The plan and problem statement have been made more specific. The main focus of the project is to be able to extinguish a small fire.

What do we want to show during the demonstration?
A drone that is capable of autonomously extinguishing a fire.
What is the position of the user in this project?
Drones will be placed in smart homes/buildings/cities

Further elaborate this.

How much does a small fire extinguisher weigh?
This weights around 5 kilos.
Find answers to the following questions and what they mean for the users
How long can the drone extinguish fire?
How fast can the system respond to a fire alarm?
Where should the system be placed in buildings/cities

Have a better look at what the drone should be able to do and what this means for user requirements.

BHV’ers of TU/e make a controlled fire every year to practice. Maybe they can help us with the project or demonstration.

Systems can be placed near high risk areas in buildings, what are the specific user requirements for users in these areas.

Some buildings already have autonomous fire extinguishing systems like a sprinkler system. What are the advantages of our system over these systems and why is our system better. Kind of a promotional talk why someone would need a our drone.

It may be a good decision to choose a very specific main-user for the drone, for example homeowners with a smart home. But there may also be secondary users for example the fire department.

Do you know how much the blue jay drone from the TU/e is able to carry?
Around 0.5 kilo

Find out what can our drone carry and what will this mean for the fire extinguish mechanisms and capabilities.

What is more important, a working drone or a good concept for a drone?
The best would be to focus really on one specific thing in such a way that you can have both.

Write down smart home user requirements, also numbers for range, durability…

These requirements and numbers should be well supported by arguments or documentation.

When something is not part of what you want to show, be short of it and move on.

Demonstration does not have to give the illusion that something really works, people usually don’t know or understand especially if something is autonomous.

Small remark,

Update the planning, Dirk is also not yet included

Idea for drone/project name

Fast Response Extinguish Drone (F.R.E.D.)


Notes internal meeting 1

Fire fighter drone
Cleaning drone (moeilijk bereikbare plekken)
Pavement cleaning drone
Avalanche rescue drone
Weeding robot
Referee robot
Medical nanobots for drug delivery
Fruit harvest robots
Best Idea
Brandweer drone (Flying fire fighter)
Situation evaluation (vals alarm?)
Slachtoffer herkenning (wie is er het ergst aan toe)
Informatie geven (ramen dicht, natte lap, vuurhaarden)
meerdere robots met eigen functie ipv multifunctioneel of modules
Problem definition
How can a robot be used to assist in the rescue of victims of a fire and safekeeping of all people involved.
Increase efficiency
Firefighters are sometimes too late


It needs to give victims information about what they can do to improve their chances of survival without injury
It needs to be able to communicate the current state of the fire back to the fire department to inform and prepare firefighters
Be able to enter and fly inside a building
What do they require
Fast response time
Accurate situation analysis
People living in range of the fire station using this drone.
People living in the area surrounding the fire
Fire department
Decide functionality of drone
Do research
Design drone and functions
Make prototype
Test prototype
For the duration of this course, the following milestones are selected:
Week 1: Every member will take the time to do research on robots and their interests, in order to broaden one's horizon on the possible subjects. Afterwards a subject for the project will be chosen.
Week 2: Literature study and further research will be completed.
Week 3: USE analysis is finished.
Week 4: Design for the first prototype will be finished.
Week 6: First prototype will be finished
Week 8: Final Design, final prototype and all other deliverables will be finished.
The following deliverables will be created during this course:

A wiki page on this domain

(several) prototypes

Drone design

Thorough research and literature study

Ethical evaluation

Design research process and report

Who will do what
Chiel will find articles about (fire/victim) detection
Daan will find articles about drones in general (and autonomous flight) and fire fighting in general
Natanya will find articles about robot communication with humans
Fabian will find articles about fire resistant materials (material exploration)

Task Division Week 1:


Robot communication with humans - research

Lopend verhaal maken








General Planning (english)

Verwijzen naar 0LAUK0 en naar die ene man �

Notes internal meeting 2

Taakverdeling: Chiel: Portugees stalken voor welke drone we het beste kunnen gebruiken Natanya: USE analysis (ook persona + scenario) State-of-the-art analysis Fire extinguish techniques (Daan) Fire detection (Chiel) Fire (Dirk) Drones (Fabian)

28th September bezoek Brandweer Rotterdam plannen

Problem statement Users and requirements: Fire brigade Fast response time Drones react automatically to fire alarms Drones should be able to make a risk analysis and determine if more drones or human support are required. Long durability Long battery life Enough capability to extinguish a fire. Victims Fire extinguishing does not harm the victim in any way Drones will first clear area’s of fire where victims are present. Drone should give a visual or audio message to victim that it observed the victim. Building owner Fire extinguishing does not cause further damage to the building or equipment in the room where there is a fire. The drones should be affordable Integrated in smart home or building system. Sufficient quantity of water or foam for extinguishing fires

Idea chosen: Autonomous drone that can extinguish fires in enclosed spaces like rooms and small buildings.

Problem definition How will an autonomous fire fighting drone assist in the safekeeping of victims of a fire in enclosed spaces like rooms and small buildings.

How can drones be used for fully autonomous fire fighting in smart cities. In this project the focus will be on the fire extinguishing part of fire fighting.

Problems: How to extinguish a fire

Problems: How do they get into the building? Can they open doors? Privacy How do they contact victims (“get away, cover your head”)

Goal: Klein brandje uit kunnen maken, snelle respons tijd -> kleinere brandjes -> makkelijker te blussen

Notes internal meeting 3

  1. Meeting 3 19-09-2018

Naam besloten; F.R.E.D. Fast Response Extinguisher Drone

AP: Chiel: Afspraak maken met portugese dude om te kijken naar de drone en kijken wat ding kan en wat er mogelijk is. Natanya: Slachtofferhulp bellen, brandwonden centrum Fabian: Afspraak maken met TU brandweer, Natanya gaat meeting voorbereiden Dirk en Daan, Planning bijwerken

Groep opgesplitst in 2 delen: USE Natanya & Dirk Technical Chiel, Fabian & Daan

USE-team: Interview voor brandweer Interview voor users Google slides voor de meeting

Drone specificeren: (Fabian, Daan, Chiel) Vliegt (autonoom): Chiel Bij brandalarm (handmelder of automatisch) vliegt naar locatie melder toe, (Fabian) Heeft infrarood camera: Chiel kan brand detecteren: Chiel kan mensen detecteren (eerst nog even niet) kan brand blussen en hoe lang: Daan plaatsing in gebouw: Fabian reactie tijd: Fabian blus mechanisme handig voor aan drone: Daan Smart Home: Fabian

Demo specificeren: Vliegt (bestuurd) kan gasbrander (bunzenbrander) uitblussen

Use dingetjes: Propelors afgeschermt (zoals bijv. BlueJay)

Vragen voor brandweer: Meest gebruikte blusmiddel huis- tuin- en keukenbrandjes. Lichtste veelgebruikte blusspul? Hoeveel van dat blusspul heb je nodig voor gemiddelde brandjes (vlam in de pan oid) Hoelang kan je blussen met zoveel van dat blusspul Vragen voor brandwondencentrum/ervaringsdeskundigen: Wat was de situatie? Hoe is de brand ontstaan?

Waarbij zou u het meest aan hebben gehad?