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=== Simulation results ===
=== Simulation results ===
'''[ DWA local+global simulation test]'''

=== Real life results ===
=== Real life results ===

Revision as of 12:01, 5 June 2024

Group members:

Name student ID
Marten de Klein 1415425
Ruben van de Guchte 1504584
Vincent Hoffmann 1897721
Adis Husanović 1461915
Lysander Herrewijn 1352261
Timo van der Stokker 1228489

Week 1:

Theoretical exercises

For week one we had to do the following exercises:

Question 1: Think of a method to make the robot drive forward but stop before it hits something.

Question 2: Run your simulation on two maps, one containing a large block in front of the robot, the second containing a block the robot can pass by safely when driving straight.

These exercises were performed individually by the members leading to different outcomes.

There were a lot of similarities between the answers. Every group member used the laser data to determine if object were close. They implemented a way to loop over the laser range data and check the individual values to see whether that value was lower than a safety threshold. If this would be the case all members changed the signal that would be sent to the motors to a zero signal.

But there were some differences too, Lysander made his robot start turning when the object was detected. In the next loop the robot would therefore get different laser scan data and after a few loops the object might be outside the angles the laser scanner can check and so it will drive forward again as it has turned away from the obstacle.

Ruben decided to not loop over all laser ranges but only check the ones in front of the robot. To determine which laser data actually represents the area the robot is going to drive to, a geometric calculation is made by the code, using the arc tangent of the required safety distance and the width of the robot to determine the maximum angle the laser data needs to check. Afterwards when checking whether the values of the laser data are not too big, it adds a geometric term to make sure the safety distance is consistent when looking parallel to the driving direction of the robot and not shaped like a circle due to the lidar.

And overview of the codes and video demonstration can be found in the table below.

Name Code Video exercise 1 Video exercise 2
Lysander Herrewijn Code Screen capture exercise 1 Screen capture exercise 2 map 1 Screen capture exercise 2 map 2
Adis Husanovic Code Screen capture exercise 1 Screen capture exercise 2 map 1 Screen capture exercise 2 map 2
Marten de Klein Code Screen capture exercise 1 Screen capture exercise 2 map 1 Screen capture exercise 2 map 2
Ruben van de Guchte Code Screen capture exercise 1 Screen capture exercise 2
Vincent Hoffmann Code Screen capture exercise 1 Screen capture exercise 2 map 1 Screen capture exercise 2 map 2
Timo van der Stokker Code Screen capture exercise 1 Screen capture exercise 2 Map 1 Screen capture exercise 2 Map 2

Practical exercises

The laser had less noise than we expected, it is fairly accurate with its measurements. However, only items at height of the laser can be seen, as the laser only works on its own height. For example, when standing in front of the robot, the laser could only detect our shins as two half circles.

When testing our don't crash files on the robot, it was noticed that the stopping distance needed to include the distance the measuring point is from the edge of the robot. This was measured to be approximately 10 cm. After changing this the robot was first tested on a barrier as seen in Robot stopping at barrier

Next we let a person walk in front of it to see if the code would still work. Fortunately, it did, as can be seen in Robot stopping at passing person

Finally we tested an additional code that turns the robot when it sees an obstacle, and then continues. This can be seen in Robot stopping and turning at feet

Local Navigation Assignment

Technique Video simulation map 2 Video simulation map 3 Video simulation map 4 Video real scenario
VFH VFH map 3 VFH map 4
DWA DWA Map 2 DWA Map 3 DWA Map 4 practical

Vector field histogram (VFH)

The simplified vector field histogram approach was initially implemented as follows.

The robot starts out with a goal retrieved from the global navigation function, its laser data is received from the lidar and its own position, which it keeps track of internally. A localization function will eventually be added to enhance its ability to track its own position. The laser data points are grouped together in evenly spaced brackets. For the individual brackets, the algorithm checks how many points' distance is smaller than a safety threshold distance. It then saves the number of laser data points that are close than the safety distance for every bracket.

Next it calculates the direction of the goal by computing the angle between its own position and the goal position. It then checks whether the angle towards the goal is unoccupied by checking the values of the bracket corresponding to that angle. Additionally, some extra neighboring brackets are checked depending on a safety width hyperparameter. If the direction towards the goal is occupied, the code will check the brackets to the left and to the right and save the closest unoccupied angle at either side. It then picks whichever angle is smaller, left or right. and sets that angle as its new goal.

Afterwards it compares its own angle with the goal angle and drives forwards if it aligns within a small margin or turns towards the direction of the goal. It also checks whether it has arrived at the goal and if this is the case a notification is sent back to the global navigator.

This initial implementation had some oversights and edge cases that we came across when testing using the simulator and the real robot. The first issue arose when the system was tested to turn a corner after driving next to an obstacle. At this small distance the cone of laser data that needs to be checked is very large. Though if this cone were used to look at larger distances, the robot would discard routes it could easily fit through. This was fixed by performing a second check on the laser data on the side the robot is turning to and if this check finds an object moving forward a bit more before turning.


  • Implementing VFH for navigation is relatively straightforward, requiring basic processing of LiDAR data to compute the histogram of obstacles' directions.
  • VFH can generate smooth and collision-free paths for the robot by considering both obstacle avoidance and goal-reaching objectives
  • VFH is computationally efficient and robust to noisy sensor data


  • VFH may have difficulty distinguishing overlapping obstacles, especially if they are close together and occupy similar angular regions in the LiDAR's field of view. This can be solved by taking a small distance at which LiDAR points are taken into account.
  • In complex environments with narrow passages or dense clutter, VFH may struggle to find feasible paths due to the limited information provided by the LiDAR sensor and the simplicity of the VFH algorithm.
  • VFH performance can be sensitive to parameter settings such as the size of the histogram bins or the threshold for obstacle detection. Tuning these parameters for optimal performance may require extensive experimentation.

Possible failure scenarios:

A failure scenario encountered in testing was that the robots orientation deviated so far from the goal that it became unable to directly check the direction the goal was in. The robot would then assume it is free as it is and rotate towards it. after rotating that direction it would see that it is occupied and turn the other way towards space it could move to and this cycle would repeat. This problem could be solve by implementing an internal representation of the points that were detected before as was done in Borenstein, J., & Koren, Y. (1991). In this implementation we instead chose to solve this by making sure there are no such challenges in the path by choosing more intermediate goal points in the global navigator.

Another failure scenario presents itself when the robot needs to drive more than 90 degrees away from its goal. In this case driving away actually puts the robot further from its goal and as it has no memory will forget that there is an obstacle that caused it to need to turn this way in the first place. And after driving such that the obstacle exits its detection range, it will try to turn back. This will cause the robot to cause its behavior to loop between driving away and towards the obstacle. We again avoid this failure case by only letting the local navigator handle simple paths towards intermediate goals.

Implementation of local and global algorithms:

For the implementation of the local with the global algorithm the local algorithm was made to send a signal back to the main controller when it is within range of its goal. This causes the global navigator to send the next coordinates to which the local navigator will then continue towards.

Dynamic Window Approach (DWA)

DWA Explanation.png


The DWA algorithm is a velocity based algorithm based on maximizing an objective function. The general overview is shown in the figure to the right.

The algorithm starts by defining the velocity and acceleration constraints, such as velocity and acceleration limits, bracking accelerations and safety distances. It then creates a set of possible velocities, creating a grid from minimum to maximum allowable velocities in discrete steps. Then, the velocities that are not reachable within a single time step, based on the current velocity and acceleration limits, are filtered out. Each remaining velocity in the set is checked for potential collisions with obstacles detected by the laser sensors. If the combination of the forward and angular velocity would result in a collision, it is removed from the set. This is done by calculating the distance to obstacles and comparing it with the robot’s stopping distance. The distance to an abstacle is calculated based on the curved trajectory it will follow. Is the velocity only forward and not rotational then the distance is simply calculated based on the shortest distance.

A pointing system is used in order to determine which combination of the forward and angular velocity suits the best at each step. For each feasible velocity, a score is computed based on three criteria in objective function. The first one is the heading towards the goal, the second one is the forward velocity, and the third one is the distance to the nearest obstacle. The weights for these criteria are defined to balance their importance where each individual criteria is first normalised. The weights are tuned based on the performance in simulation and experiments.

Finally, the robot’s velocity is updated with the highest-scoring velocity, resulting in the robot to move in a safe and smooth manner.


  • Effective at avoiding obstacles detected by the LiDAR sensor in real-time. It dynamically adjusts the robot's velocity and heading to navigate around obstacles while aiming to reach its goal.
  • Focuses on local planning, considering only nearby obstacles and the robot's dynamics when generating trajectories. This enables the robot to react quickly to changes in the environment without requiring a global map.


  • Can get stuck in local minima, where the robot is unable to find a feasible trajectory to its goal due to obstacles blocking its path. This can occur in highly cluttered environments or when the goal is located in a narrow passage.
  • Does not always find the optimal path to the goal, especially in environments with complex structures or long-range dependencies.
  • The performance can be sensitive to the choice of parameters, such as the size of the dynamic window or the velocity and acceleration limits of the robot. Tuning these parameters can be challenging and may require empirical testing.

Possible failure scenarios:

  • A possible scenario is a target position inside a wall. In this case the robot will never reach the target position because the required velocity to reach the target will be ommitted from the velocity set. Instead it will either stop as close as possible to the target position when no velocities are feasible anymore due to collision risk or the robot will keep moving around the target position trying to minimise the heading angle.
    • Solution: ensuring that a target position is never inside a wall could be a method, however this only works for known obstacles. If the target position is part of a set of target positions the robot could try to skip this target position and immediately go to the next position, with the risk of getting stuck in a local minima. The best solution is giving the global planner a signal with an updated map and letting it create a new set of target positions.
  • A second possible scenario is that the target position is inside the radius of curvature of the robot resulting in a circling motion of the robot around the target without ever reaching the target.
    • Solution: this scenario can be fixed by tuning the parameters of the algorithm. Ensuring that the heading angle is more important that the forward velocity is a method of avoiding getting stuck in a radial loop. However, when the target is still far away this is less desired because obstacle avoidance works better with a high score on the forward velocity. A solution would be to create a somewhat dynamic parameter setting where if the robot is located far away from the target it uses different values for the tuning parameters compared to when it is close to the target.
  • A third possible scenario is that odometry data is not correct resulting in a wrong calculation of the desired heading angle. This would result in the robot targetting a different goal location.
    • Solution: A solution is to reduce the acceleration values to reduce the robot slipping. This makes the robot slightly slower but better controlled. Another solution which will be implemented later will be the addition of a localization algorithm that ensures that the robot has a higher positional accuracy.

Linking global and local planner:

The global and local planner can be easily connected via a main script. In the main script the global planner is called first generating a set of target goals. Then the local planner is called and only given the first target goal. The main script keeps track of the distance from the robot to the target goal and if this distance is smaller than a given value the local planner is given the next target goal until it reaches the final target goal and the main velocity is set to zero. In case a target goal is not reachable (e.g. the distance to the target goal does not reduce for a given time) the global planner should be called again with an updated map.



In the first video, the robot moves away from the first obstacle to the right. Then it turns back left before it has passed the obstacle. This has to do with the method of only looking in a cone in front of itself and it first does not see the walls beside himself since the hallway is quite wide. When the robot gets closer to the obstacle it again turns right and passes it with a safe distance between itself and the obstacle. Then it rotates itself to the opening and drives in a smooth motion to its final destination.

In the second video, the robot smoothly moves away from its first obstacle. Then it turns back left to move away from the second obstacle. After the second obstacle it orients itself back to the goal and chooses to go around the third obstacle on the right. In some simulations it chose the other direction, this is purely based on where it sees an opening first. Overal a safe distance is held and the obstacles are already taken into account from quite far away.

Simulation Demonstration Video MAP2 DWA

Simulation Demonstration Video MAP3 DWA


In the video, the robot smoothly moves towards its goal, adjusting its path as needed when it encounters obstacles. At the start, the robot moves towards the goal until it meets a wall, then it turns in the right direction to avoid the obstacle. After turning, it keeps moving parallel to the wall. Approaching a corner formed by two walls, the robot slows down, ensuring it has enough space to make a left turn. There is enough space available for the robot to fit through the left gap so it turns there. After turning left, the robot again moves forward parallel to the wall while keeping a safe distance from the adjacent wall. When it completed it last turn around the wall, the robot arrived at its destination accurately enough and stopped smoothly.

Experimental Demonstration Video DWA

Global Navigation Assignment

The goal of this project is to reach a certain destination. In order to reach the destination, a plan must be made which the robot will follow. This larger scale plan is called the global plan. This plan is made through the global planner. The global planner that is used throught this project is A* which will find the most optimal path for a graph. To create the graph on which a path is planned, the function Probablistic Road Map (PRM) is used. This function generates a random generated graph for a map. So, by combining these functions a optimal path can be generated for a given map.

Efficiently placed nodes

1. How could finding the shortest path through the maze using the A* algorithm be made more efficient by placing the nodes differently? Sketch the small maze with the proposed nodes and the connections between them. Why would this be more efficient?

By only placing nodes on the places where the robot can change direction, the A* algorithm can be used more efficiently as it needs less nodes to go through. The updated map can be seen on the right.

2. Would implementing PRM in a map like the maze be efficient?

PRM works best in open spaces as it generates random points. In a maze it is possible that it does not generate points at the turning points. Additionally, PRM is not ideal for narrow hallways and the maze is basically multiple narrow hallways.

3. What would change if the map suddenly changes (e.g. the map gets updated)?

If the map changes, the robot will keep following the path that it initially got from the PRM or on the gridmap. As the global navigation applications do not have any obstacle avoidance incorporated, it will drive through any new obstacles that are on the updated map that lay on the route it was initially following.

4. How did you connect the local and global planner?

The global and local planner are connected via a main script. In the main script the global planner is called first generating a set of points using PRM, then A* is used to determine target goals in the set of points. Then the local planner is called and only given the first target goal. The main script keeps track of the distance from the robot to the target goal and if this distance is smaller than a given value the local planner is given the next target goal until it reaches the final target goal and the main velocity is set to zero. This implementation still assumes that the global planner knows the map quite well and that there are no stationary unknown obstacles which hinder the path of the robot.

5. Test the combination of your local and global planner for a longer period of time on the real robot. What do you see that happens in terms of the calculated position of the robot? What is a way to solve this?

Using the real robot with the local and global planner causes the robot to missalign compared to its calculated position. This probably happens because of slipping of the wheals of the real robot. A way to resolve this missalignment is to use localization to determain where in the global map the real robot actually is.

6. Run the A* algorithm using the gridmap (with the provided nodelist) and using the PRM. What do you observe? Comment on the advantage of using PRM in an open space.

The observed difference between using the gridmap and PRM and their offered routes made by the A* algorithm, is that with the gridmap the route is ..... Where as the route made with PRM is more diagonal, direct and has less points to follow.

The advantage of PRM is very apparent when looking at the open space. There direct paths are chosen most fitting for the wanted result.

(need Image of difference of performance to compare with!)

Simulation results

DWA local+global simulation test

Real life results

DWA local+global real test

Histogram local+global real test

Localization Assignment

Assignment 0.1 Explore the code framework

How is the code is structured?

The code for this assignment is structures as multiple classes. Each object or component has its own class and functions that can be used to change aspects on about itself.

What is the difference between the ParticleFilter and ParticleFilterBase classes, and how are they related to each


The particle filter base provides the base functionalities of a particle filter, like setting noise levels and returning position lists. The particle filter script provides the larger functions and connects the particle filter to other classes that need to work with the same data, like the resampler. The ParticleFilter runs the system on a high level by calling more basic functions form ParticleFilterBase.

How are the ParticleFilter and Particle class related to eachother?

The ParticleFilter creates the Particles that are used in the particle filter. When operations need to be done on an individual particle the ParticleFilter calls the functions inside the Particle class.

Both the ParticleFilterBase and Particle classes implement a propagation method. What is the difference between the


The ParticleFilterBase propagation method ask all individual particles to run their propagation function. The Particle's propagation does the actual propagation. The ParticleFilterBase function just provides a single command to let all these particles perform their operations.

Assignment 1.1 Initialize the Particle Filter

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The first constructor places random particles around the robot with an equal radial probability. The particles have equal probability to be constructed anywhere around the robot, with every particle possessing a completely random pose. If the robot is placed at an unknown location, with no information on where it is on the global map, this particle constructor is preferred. The robot does not have any information, such that any location on the map could be a possible location of the robot. By using a completely random particle constructor, the robot has the highest likelyhood to find its location.

In contrary, when the robot knows its position and orientation, it is better for the particles to constructed with a higher probability to be aligned with the robot. The robot will move forward and having more particles placed in front of the robot with the particle poses oriented similarly as the robot, it can more accurately correct for its position and orientation. When the location and orientation is completely unknown, this method is harder to find its location and pose as the particles are more likely to be placed in front of the robot and with a pose in the same direction as the robot. But this gives less information about its entire environment.

So, the first constructor is better at finding the location and pose of the robot when wider surroundings are more important. While the second constructor is more useful when the robot is moving and it knows its general location and direction.

Assignment 1.2 Calculate the pose estimate

The filter takes a weighted average over all particles to estimate its state; the position and orientation of the robot. The particles that are in line with the sensor data receive a larger weight. This way, the particle swarm adjusts itself to the sensor data. Over time, the pose estimated by the particle swarm is getting in line with the actual pose of the robot. However, there remains a discrepancy in pose. This is caused by the limited amount of particles, disallowing a complete representation of the pose. Iterating over the particle swarm with noise will help improve the estimated pose of the robot over time.

When the sensor data provides insufficient feedback, for example when the robot is in open space, the pose estimate is impossible to predict accurately. For this, more information on the surroundings of the robot is required.

Assignment 1.3 Propagate the particles with odometry

Why do we need to inject noise into the propagation when the received odometry infromation already has an unkown noise component?

The noise of the odometry data is unknown. By manually adding noise to the odometry data, we can better represent uncertainties in the robot's movement model. This helps in capturing deviations from the expected path. Additionally, it is important to keep refreshing the particles to have a broad coverage of the environment. If we would not, we risk that not enough exploration of the surrounding causes or particles to converge to an incorrect state. Which makes it harder to correct the robot's real location and orientation.

What happens when we stop here, and do not incorporate a correction step?

When we start moving we need to keep adjusting for the environment. New sensor data must be continuously fed to the filter to approximate its state. If this is not done, we could not readjust our position and correct for odometry errors accumulated over time. If we are stationary, the filter's particles would also diverge from their true state over time. If we do not keep adding correction steps, we would simply accumulate errors over time. Noise and inaccuracies would over time cause increasingly worse state estimates.

Assignment 2.1 Correct the particles with LiDAR

What does each of the component of the measurement model represent, and why is each necessary.

The measurement model uses data, prediction and some additional measurement model data named lm. The data is the actual measurement acquired from the LiDAR of the robot. The prediction is the measurement the raycast algorithm provides and what the data would be if the robot were to be at the exact position of the particle.

The likelihood of the particle being the correct position is called likelihood en is represented by four components:

First, A probability of measuring the expected prediction. or in other words if the particle is right this part will give a high contribution to the total chance.

Secondly, there is a chance the LiDAR has an error or the measurements happens to reflect of something and does not return properly. To accommodate the chance of this happening a component is added that represents a chance of getting a maximum value as a reading.

Third, there is always a chance of an especially large dust particle or some other form of interference to block the measurement. This chance is modeled by an exponential decay from zero untill the predicted measurement.

Lastly, there is always a chance an error in some system replaces a measurement with a random value. Therefore there is a small probability added across the entire possible range of measurement values.

With each particle having N >> 1 rays, and each likelihood being ∈ [0, 1] , where could you see an issue given our

current implementation of the likelihood computation.

All likelihoods per particle are summed up and normalized with the amount of beams that are used to calculate the system, This puts the value between 0 and 1 just like the individual likelihoods. An issue could arise when components of the measurement model are not weighted properly and would not give a decisive difference. Otherwise no problems are expected.

Assignment 2.2 Re-sample the particles

What are the benefits and disadvantages of both the multinomial resampling and the stratified resampling?

With each particle having N>> 1 rays, and each likelihood being ∈ [0, 1] , where could you see an issue given our current implementation of the likelihood computation?

A high amount of particles with a high amount of beams will need a lot of computation power. This might not be available and slow down the robot.

Assignment 2.3 Test on the physical setup